How the Planned Start Date is calculated for a task

When it is calculated automatically by the system, the following can influence the Planned Start Date of a task:

  • The Start Date preference setting in the Tasks & Issues area in Setup

    Your Workfront or group administrator can determine whether a new task starts on the same date as the project’s Planned Start Date or on the day you create the task.

    For information about Tasks & Issues preferences, see Configure system-wide task and issue preferences.

  • Task Constraint

    For more information about Task Constraints, see the article Task Constraint overview

  • Task predecessor relationship

    For more information about task predecessors, see the article Overview of task predecessors.

  • Project Start Date, when the project is scheduled from Start Date.

  • The time off schedule of the Primary Assignee of the task.

    When the Primary Assignee has time off scheduled during the duration of the task, the planned dates of the task adjust accordingly when the Consider user time off in task durations setting is selected for the User Time Off field. New projects inherit this setting from the Project Preferences area, but you can edit the setting at the project level.

    For example, if a task with a Constraint of As Soon As Possible is scheduled to start on June 1 and complete on June 3, and the Primary Assignee has June 1 marked for Time-off, the task Planned Start Date becomes June 2.

    For information about the User Time Off preference, see the articles Configure system-wide project preferences or Edit projects.

When set automatically, the Planned Start Date is determined based on the following calculation:

Planned Start Date = Planned Completion Date - Task Duration

For example, if your task has a Completion Date of September 16 and a duration of 10 days, the Planned Start Date is September 6.

The Update Type for the project must also be set to ‘Automatic and On Change’ or ‘Automatically’ in order for the Planned Hours and Duration to be automatically adjusted.
For more information about the Update Type, see the article Select the project Update Type.


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