Create predecessor relationships

To create predecessors, see any of the following articles:

Locate the predecessors of a task

To find the predecessors of a task do one of the following:

  • Go to the project you are working on and do the following:

    1. Find the task for which you want to find the predecessors and click the task.

    2. Click Predecessors in the left panel. You might need to click Show More, then Predecessors.

    3. The name of the project that the predecessor is on shows in the Project column.

      The number in the # column shows the predecessor task number. For example “6” means the sixth task in the project.

      Predecessors section of task

  • Go to the project you are working on and do the following:

    1. Click the Tasks tab.

    2. Choose the Standard View at the top of the task list.

    3. The Predecessors column shows the predecessor task numbers.

      For a cross-project predecessor, the Predecessors column shows the reference number of the project the predecessor belongs to and the number of the task, separated by a colon.

      The predecessor icon turns green when the predecessor task is marked complete. This signals that the dependent task is ready for work.

      Hover over this value to get more information on the predecessor, the project, and the dates.

      Predecessor details

Examples of predecessor values in a task list

When you view predecessors in a list of tasks, you might see any of the following types of predecessors with their respective Dependency Types and Lag amounts:

  • 1fs - The predecessor task number is 1. The dependency type is Finish-Start. In the project timeline, this task is scheduled to start immediately after task 1 is finished. In spite of this, it can still be marked as In Progress or Complete.

  • 1 - The predecessor task number is 1. This is the same as 1fs, because fs is the default predecessor relationship in Workfront.

  • 1fse - The predecessor task number is 1. The dependency type is Finish-Start-Enforced. In the project timeline, this task shows as starting immediately after task 1 is finished. Workfront does not allow it to be marked as In Progress or Complete until task 1 is complete. Workfront does, however, allow hours to be reported on the task.

  • 1fs+3d - The predecessor task number is 1. The dependency type is Finish-Start with a lag time of 3 days. In the project timeline, this task shows as starting 3 workdays after task 1 is finished.

  • 1fs-3d - The predecessor task number is 1. The dependency type is Finish-Start with a lag time of 3 days. In the project timeline, this task shows as starting 3 workdays before the predecessor task is finished.

  • 1fs+3de -The predecessor task number is 1. The dependency type is Finish-Start-Enforced with a lag time of 3 days. In the project timeline, this task shows as starting 3 workdays after task 1 is finished. Workfront does not allow it to be marked as In Progress or Complete until Task 1 is complete. Workfront does, however, allow hours to be reported on the task.

    You must add the enforced value (e) to the Lag, and not to the predecessor.
  • 4515:2 The predecessor task number is 2. - This is a Finish to Start, non-enforced dependency with the predecessor in the project with reference number 4515.

View predecessor information

You can view predecessor information in the following areas of Workfront. This includes information about cross-project predecessors:

  • At the task level, in the Predecessors section.

    For information about viewing predecessor information in the Predecessors section , see the section Locate the predecessors of a task in this article.

  • In the Gantt chart.

    For information about displaying predecessors in the Gantt chart, see Configure how information displays on the Gantt Chart.

  • In a task list.

    To view information about the predecessors of your tasks in a task list you can do one of the following:

    • Apply the built-in Standard view in a list of tasks.

      For information about viewing predecessor information in the Standard view, see the section Locate the predecessors of a task in this article.

    • Build a task view or report and add the Predecessors column to that view.

      For more information about building a customized view for tasks with predecessor information, see View: predecessor details.

  • In the task header when accessing the task.

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