Add an ad hoc card to a board

You can quickly add a card to a board and assign it to a member on the board. The card can represent a task, issue, person, group, or any type of item that you want to include on the board.

The ad hoc cards on a board are not connected to work items in Adobe Workfront. For details about connected cards, see Use connected cards on boards.

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Adobe Workfront Any
Adobe Workfront license

New: Contributor or higher


Current: Request or higher

For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Add an ad hoc card with full details

An ad hoc card is not connected to a work item in Adobe Workfront.

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Boards.

  2. Access a board. For information, see Create or edit a board.

  3. Click Add card > New card.

    The Card Details box appears.

    note note
    If you click outside of the Name field, the ad hoc card is automatically saved as “Untitled” at the bottom of the left-most column. To exit without saving the card, you must click Cancel without clicking anywhere else in the Card Details box.
  4. In the Card Details box, add the following information:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
    Name The name of the card.
    Description A description of the card. You can add URLs in the description and they will become clickable links when the card is saved.
    Column Select the column for the card. If you leave the Column field blank, the card is placed in the first column on the left of the board.
    Status Select a status for the card. If you click Mark Complete at the top of the card, the status automatically changes to Complete.
    Due date Select a due date for the card.
    Estimation Type the estimated number of hours for the card to be completed. This is a manual entry only.
    Assignments To assign the card, click Add Assignment and start typing a name in the search field. Then, select it when it displays in the list of results. You can add both individuals and teams, and you can assign more than one person or team to a card.
    Tags Search for and select tags for the card. For information on creating new tags, see Add tags.
    Connection You can connect an ad hoc card to a Workfront task or issue. For more information, see "Convert an ad hoc card to a connected card" in the article Use connected cards on boards.

    Click Add checklist item. Then, type the title of the item and press Enter. Another item is automatically added. Continue entering titles to add more items.

    The counter at the top of the checklist shows the number of completed items and the total number of items.

    For more information about checklist items, see Manage checklist items on cards.


    Click in the New comment field and type your comment. Use the formatting tools to format the text. (Images are not available in comments on ad hoc cards.) To tag a person or team, use the search box at the bottom of the commenting area. The user does not have to be a member on the board.

    NOTE: At this time, users tagged in comments on ad hoc cards do not receive an email notification.

    Click Submit to add the comment to the card.

    For more information on commenting, see Update work.

    Ad hoc card details

    Use the left navigation panel to move between sections of fields on the card details.

  5. Click Close to add the card to the board.

    The assignees, tags, due date, checklist counter, estimated hours, and status are displayed on the card.

Quick add an ad hoc card

You can add ad hoc cards with only a title to quickly populate your board.

  1. Access the board you want to add cards to.

  2. Click the Add icon Add card on the column where you want to add the card.

  3. Type the card name and press Enter.

    Another card is automatically added below the new card.

  4. Continue entering card names to add more cards.

  5. To stop adding cards, click outside of the column.

  6. To add more details, you must edit the card. For information, see Edit an existing card in this article.

Edit an existing card edit-an-existing-card

  1. Access the board.

  2. Click on the card name to edit the name.

  3. To edit the card details, click on the card (not in the card name).


    Click the More menu More menu on the card and select Edit.

  4. In the Card Details box, update the information as needed, and click Close to return to the board.

    If you have column policies enabled for updating field values, changing the status on the card automatically moves the card to the corresponding column. For more information, see “Define column settings and policies” in the article Manage board columns.
