21.4 Other enhancements

This page describes all other enhancements made with the 21.4 release to the Preview environment. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment the week of October 4, 2021.

For a list of all changes available with the 21.4 release, see 21.4 Release overview.

New keyboard shortcuts for indenting and outdenting in lists

To provide an accessible experience for all system users and comply with standard keyboard navigation principles, the indent/outdent keyboard commands have changed.

For Mac, press Option + > to indent a list item and Option + < to outdent.

For Windows, press Alt + > to indent a list item and Alt + < to outdent.

Previously, the keyboard shortcut for indenting in a list was Tab and outdenting was Shift + Tab. However, using the Tab key for indenting and outdenting meant that it was not possible to tab through all active fields in the interface.

This change applies only to updated lists and not to legacy lists.

For more information, see Create subtasks.
