Example: Remove the link to a task from the Task Name column in a task view:
Go to a list of tasks.
From the View drop-down menu, click New View to create a new view.
Click the Edit icon
to edit an existing view, then select the view.
Click Add Column to add a new column.
Click an existing column with a link to an object.
Click Switch to Text Mode > Edit Text Mode.
Remove the text you find in the Edit Text Mode box, and replace it with the following code:
displayname=Task Name linkedname=direct namekey=name querysort=name textmode=true valueexpression={name} valueformat=Compound
You can use similar code for other objects by doing adjusting the following:-
Replace the
line of the code withvalueexpression
and keep the same name included in curly brackets after the equal sign. -
Eliminate all the lines that start with
from the original text of the column. For example, eliminate all the following lines:link.linkproperty.0.name=ID link.linkproperty.0.valuefield=ID link.linkproperty.0.valueformat=string link.lookup=link.view link.value=val(objCode)
Click Done, then Save View.