Actions allowed for group administrators

This table lists the administration activities available for:

  • An Adobe Workfront administrator managing the Workfront system (for comparisons)
  • A group administrator managing a top-level group
  • A group administrator managing a subgroup
Workfront administrator
Group administrator (actions are limited to the groups the administrator manages)
Subgroup administrator (actions are limited to the groups the administrator manages)
Reset a user's password
Create and edit user profiles
Create and manage subgroups
Configure project, task, and issue preferences at the system level
Activate and deactivate project, task, and issue preferences for groups and subgroups
Configure timesheet and hour preferences at the system level
Activate and deactivate timesheet and hour preferences for groups and subgroups
Configure event notification emails at the system level
Activate and deactivate event notification emails for groups and subgroups
Create and manage custom forms
Create and manage layout templates
Create and manage approval processes for a group
Create and manage teams
Create and manage exchange rates
Create and manage hour types
Create and manage milestone paths
Create and manage schedules
Create and manage companies
Create and manage timesheet profiles
Create single-use timesheets
Create and manage job roles
Create and manage priorities, severities, conditions
Create and manage risk types
Create and manage statuses
Log in as someone else
View and restore deleted items
View and manage restored items
View the current license allocation
Assign maximum number of licenses
View audit logs
Import and export data using Kick-Starts

* In the group administrator’s access level, Edit must be selected for the Users setting, with User Admin (Group Users) selected under Fine-tune your settings . For more information, see the section Configure users’ access to edit users using a custom access level in the article Grant access to users.

** In the group administrator’s access level, access to this action must be enabled. For more information, see Grant users administrative access to certain areas.

*** The following activities are part of Advanced Enterprise Controls and are not available for the Select plan. Only organizations who have purchased the Prime or Ultimate plans can access these capabilities. See the Adobe Workfront pricing and packaging page for more information about plans. (For organizations using the legacy plans, the table above shows the activities for group and subgroup administrators.)

  • Configure project, task, and issue preferences at the group level
  • Configure timesheet and hour preferences at the group level
  • Configure event notification emails at the group level
  • Create and manage group-specific approval processes
  • Allocate license limits and view their utilization by Home group
  • Assign group administrators on subgroups
  • Allow group administrators to create subgroups