How do I install the Desktop Viewer on my local system?

Open an interactive proof and download the app directly from the Launch screen.

Launch screen

Do new versions of the Desktop Viewer require me to re-install?

No. Updates to the Desktop Viewer are automated and require nothing from you or your end users.

Is the Desktop Viewer required when I send the proof to my external stakeholder?

Only if you are sending an interactive proof or real time website to the external stakeholder. If you are required to load the Desktop Proofing Viewer locally to view a piece of content, then any other users (internal or external) need to do the same before they can view it.

What is the status of the Legacy proofing viewer, which my organization has used for interactive proofing?

Prior to the 2018.3 release, the Legacy proofing viewer was supported. With the 2018.3 release (in November 2018), the Legacy proofing viewer and all other applications that rely on Flash have been removed and are no longer available.

For static and video proofs, the new Web Proofing Viewer is the default viewer. For interactive proofs, the Desktop Proofing Viewer is the default viewer.

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