Static proofs

FeatureWeb Proofing ViewerDesktop Proofing Viewer
Open static proofs✓*
Single, magazine, and continuous views✓*
Measurement tool✓ (set a custom-sized area)✓*
Thumbnail view✓*
Static proof navigator✓*
Document search✓*
Post comment on multiple pages✓ (available on all views)✓* (available on all views)
Advanced static proof shortcuts✓ (for more information, see Keyboard shortcuts in the proofing viewer)✓*(for more information, see Keyboard shortcuts in the proofing viewer)

* This functionality works only if your Workfront administrator has configured the Desktop Proofing Viewer as the default viewer for all proofs.

Video proofs

FeatureWeb Proofing ViewerDesktop Proofing Viewer
Open video proofs✓*
Review using time✓*
Review using frames or timecode✓*
Review faster or slower✓*
Volume regulation✓*
full-screen mode✓*
Range comments✓*
Loop video proofs (videos finish and start automatically)✓*
Advanced video shortcuts✓ (for more information, see Keyboard shortcuts in the proofing viewer)✓*

* This functionality works only if the Desktop Proofing Viewer is configured as the default viewer for all proofs.

Interactive proofs

FeatureWeb Proofing ViewerDesktop Proofing Viewer
Open interactive proofs created from content bundled in a ZIP file✓ (recommended)
Open an interactive proof created from a URLNot supported
View interactive proofs (created from content bundled in a ZIP file) in various screen sizes
View interactive proofs (created from content bundled in a ZIP file) for various devicesNot supported
Review unsecured (HTTP) sitesNot supported
Review iFrame-protected sites (sites that are protected from being viewed within an iFrame)Not supported


FeatureWeb Proofing ViewerDesktop Proofing Viewer
Add, delete, and edit comments
Add and delete replies
Rectangle, arrow, line, freehand, and highlight markup tools
Polyline tool
Crop mask markup toolsNot supportedNot supported
Text selection markup tool✓ Static proofs only✓ Static proofs only
Change markup color✓ (32 colors available)✓ (32 colors available)
Change markup opacity
Change markup thickness
Cut, copy, and paste markupsNot supportedNot supported
Undo and redo last operation
Duplicate markupsNot supportedNot supported
Set actions to comments✓ (Actions are visible on comments immediately after the action is set)
Set markup color as default
Resolve comments
Lock commentsNot supportedNot supported
Tag users
Resume comments
View the comment list in a compact view
View the comment list in a standard, full, or single viewPlanned for the futurePlanned for the future
Search comments
Filter comments by user
Filter comments and replies by user
Sort comments
Comment auto-updates


FeatureWeb Proofing ViewerDesktop Proofing Viewer
Make decisions
Customize decisions

Compare proofs

FeatureWeb Proofing ViewerDesktop Proofing Viewer
Compare different versions of proofs
Compare separate proofs

Proof operations

FeatureWeb Proofing ViewerDesktop Proofing Viewer
Change the proof version
Create a new versionAvailable only in Workfront Proof(planned for the future when proofing within Workfront)Available only in Workfront Proof(planned for the future when proofing within Workfront)
Review proof details
Review proof workflows
Edit workflow stagesNot supportedNot supported
Share proofs
Get team URL
Change email notifications
Download original file
Lock and unlock proofs and stages
Print proof summary
Delete proofs
Manage proofs from the same folderAvailable only in Workfront ProofAvailable only in Workfront Proof
Branding (custom logos)
(Workfront Logo on launch page)
Custom links (Workfront Proof only)Not supportedNot supported
Basecamp integrations (Workfront Proof only)Planned for futurePlanned for future
Presence indicator
Proof auto-updates (permission changes and new versions)


FeatureWeb Proofing ViewerDesktop Proofing Viewer
Embedded codePlanned for future for static and native video proofsNot supported


FeatureWeb Proofing ViewerDesktop Proofing Viewer
Support languages other than English


Learn: Automating Workflows with Workfront Fusion - Unique Use Cases in Action


Tuesday, Mar 4, 6:00 PM UTC

Looking for creative ways to use Workfront Fusion to solve business challenges? Join Pan Shahbazian of Starbucks as she shares three unique use cases that can transform your workflows.


The Perfect Blend: A New Era of Collaboration with AEM and Workfront

Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Wednesday, Apr 2, 5:00 PM UTC

Explore how Adobe Experience Manager and Workfront integrate to help teams move from ideation to delivery without the usual bottlenecks, ensuring content is organized, on-brand, and ready to go live faster.


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