Desktop Proofing Viewer vs. Legacy proofing viewer

You might not have access to the Legacy proofing viewer because it is supported by Flash, which has been deprecated in most environments.

The Desktop Proofing Viewer includes the following enhancements over the Legacy proofing viewer:

  • Review unsecured (HTTP) sites, not just secure (HTTPS) sites.
  • Review iFrame-protected sites (sites that cannot be viewed within an iFrame).
  • View content with preconfigured resolutions for various devices.
    For example, you can see how content displays on various standard desktop resolutions, or on individual devices such as an iPhone 8.

The Legacy proofing viewer will be removed from Workfront with the 2018.3 release at the end of the 2018 calendar year.

The Legacy proofing viewer is not included for customers acquiring Workfront after the 2018.2 release in July 2018.

User Setting for Opening Non-Interactive Proofs in the Desktop Proofing Viewer

Though the main purpose of the Desktop Proofing Viewer is proofing interactive content, you can also use it to proof static and video proofs.

Users can configure the Desktop Proofing Viewer to launch automatically when they open proofs of all kinds, including static and video proofs. For more information, see Configure proofing viewer settings.

Entering a Proof URL

If you launch the Desktop Proofing Viewer directly from your workstation, you can open a proof by specifying the proof URL. To do this, you must have proof URL of the proof you want to view.

We recommend that you open proofs directly from Workfront. For more information, see Review a proof.

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