Create a single-use timesheet

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront.

  2. Click Timesheets. The All filter is selected by default. This displays all timesheets you have access to view.

  3. (Optional) Do one of the following to update the filter in the list of timesheets:

    • Select My Timesheet Approvals in the upper-right corner of the page to view only timesheets that you approve


      Select My Timesheets to view only your timesheets.

      This applies the My Timesheet Approvals or the My Timesheet filters to the list of timesheets.

    • Click the Filter icon to apply a different filter, or create a new one. For information about creating or updating filters, see Create or edit filters in Adobe Workfront.

    The My Timesheet Approvals and My Timesheets options do not display at the top of the timesheet list or in the list of filters if your Workfront administrator or a group administrator removed the My Timesheet Approvals and the My Timesheets filters from either the List Controls in the Setup area or from your Layout Template. For more information see the following articles:
  4. (Optional) Click the Search icon to type a keyword and search for a specific timesheet. For example, you can search for a timesheet time frame of owner name.

  5. (Optional) Click the View or Grouping icons to apply a different view or grouping or to create a new one.

    For information about creating filters, views, or groupings, see the following articles:

  6. Click New Timesheet at the top of the list of timesheets.

    Specify the following information:

    Create timesheet forStart entering the name of the user, a job role, or a team for whom you are creating the timesheet, and click them when they display in the list.
    Start DateThis is the start date of the timesheet.
    End DateThis is the end date of the timesheet.
    ApproversApprovers are users who approve the timesheet for the users associated with the timesheet. Only users with timesheet administrative rights can be set as approvers. For more information about timesheet administrative rights, see Grant users administrative access to certain areas.
    Start entering the names of the timesheet approvers and click them when they appear in the list.
    You can have multiple approvers on a timesheet. In this case, after one of the approvers approves the timesheet, the timesheet is marked as Closed and it disappears from the timesheet approvals list of all the remaining approvers.
    Can edit time

    Select this option if you want to allow approvers to edit hours on the timesheet.

    This option works together with the Restrict timesheet editing to owners and admins setting in the Setup > Timesheet & Hours > Preferences area. For more information, see Configure timesheet and hour preferences.

    The following scenarios exist:

    • When the Restrict timesheet editing to owners and admins option is enabled:
      • Approvers can only approve and reject timesheet, regardless of whether the Can edit time is enabled or not.
      • Timesheet owners' managers can only view their direct reports' timesheets. When the Restrict timesheet editing to owners and admins option is disabled:
      • When the Can edit time is enabled, approvers can submit, reopen, or close the timesheet and can edit the time.
      • When the Can edit time is disabled, approvers cannot submit, reopen, or close the timesheet and cannot edit the time. Approvers can only approve or reject the timesheet.
      • Timesheet owners' managers can submit, recall, reopen, and edit their direct reports' timesheets.


    Once you submit a timesheet for approval, you can no longer edit the hours. To return a submitted timesheet to an editable state, recall the timesheet or have the approver reject the timesheet. For more information, see Submit a timesheet for approval and Approve a timesheet.

    OvertimeYou can choose to hide the Overtime box on the timesheet. This option is disabled by default.
  7. Click Create timesheet.

When tasks and issues appear on users’ timesheets

A task or issue assigned to a user automatically appears on the timesheet of a user if the task or issue meets any of the following criteria:

  • The user has logged hours on the task or issue
  • The planned dates of the task or issue fall within the dates of timesheet
  • The task or issue has an Actual Start Date (The task or issue status is In Progress)
  • The task or issue is pinned to the timesheet
  • The Planned Completion date falls within the date range of the timesheet and the status is In Progress

If the Pre-Populate timesheets with … preferences (located in the Timesheets & Hour preferences) are deselected, the timesheet shows issues and tasks which have a status of In Progress. For more information about the Timesheets & Hour Preferences, see Configure timesheet and hour preferences.

Previous pageDefine hour types and availability
Next pageEdit timesheet information


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