Considerations for inactive groups

Consider the following about a group that you deactivate by disabling the Is Active option explained in the section Deactivate or reactivate a group in this article.

  • Deactivating a group also deactivates all subgroups below it. This includes subgroups that you add after you deactivate it.

    For information about re-activating a subgroup in this situation, see About reactivating a subgroup below an inactive parent group in this article.

  • When you go to the Groups area in Setup, you can see only active groups in the list because Active is the default filter Filter icon for it. If you want to see all of the groups you manage, including the inactive ones, you can use the All filter. Or use the Inactive filter to list only the inactive ones.

    For more information about filters in lists, see Filters overview.

  • Deactivating a group does not change the following:

    • The group’s associations to objects. Associated objects continue to function as they did before, without any changes.

      For example, if a project is associated with a group you deactivate, the project continues to use the group’s preferences and statuses without any changes.

    • Your ability to create a new object, such as an approval, team, or company, from within the group’s page in setup. By default, the new object is associated with the inactive group.

    • Your ability, as an administrator, to find the group in filters and reporting.

      You can also find it in group type-ahead fields where you might want to manage the group’s settings in the Setup area. This includes the Preferences, Event Notifications, and System Licenses areas.

      For example, if you go to Setup > Project Preference > Projects and clear the type-ahead field above the options there, you can still find an inactive group and configure its project preferences.

About reactivating a subgroup below an inactive parent group

Deactivating a group also deactivates all subgroups below it. If you need to reactivate one of the subgroups under an inactive group, you can do one of two things:


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