Handle the Resolvable Object during the conversion to a project or a task

Depending on the way the Workfront or group administrator configured the system or group level issue preferences, you might be able to handle the resolvable object during the conversion of an issue to a project or a task.

The following scenarios exist:

  • If the Workfront or group administrator has the Keep the original issue and tie its resolution to the task and the Keep the original issue and tie its resolution to the project selected and the Allow these settings to be changed during conversion unselected, you will not be able to change these settings as you are converting issues to tasks or projects.
    Project preferences issues area

  • If the Workfront or group administrator has the Keep the original issue and tie its resolution to the task and the Keep the original issue and tie its resolution to the project either selected or unselected and the Allow these settings to be changed during conversion selected, you will be able to change these settings as you are converting issues to tasks or projects.
    Option to keep issue

For more information about converting issues to tasks and projects, see Overview of converting issues in Adobe Workfront.

Synchronize the Status of the Resolvable Object with that of the Resolving Object

Synchronize statuses when the Resolving Object is an issue

When an issue is manually tied to another issue, the status of the second issue (Resolving Object) triggers a change in the status of the first issue (Resolvable Object). The status of the first issue matches the status that the second issue is changed to. This applies for both default and custom issue statuses.

Synchronize statuses when the Resolving Object is a task or a project

When an issue is the Resolvable Object of a task or a project, the changes in the status of the tasks and the projects trigger changes in the status of the issue. Default statuses are triggered differently than Custom statuses, in this case.

When a project’s custom status equates to a default status that does not trigger a change to the issue status, the change in the project status doesn’t trigger a change in status for the issue.

Synchronize the Default Status of the Resolving Object with the Default Status of the Resolvable Object

Regardless of whether the “Automatically update Resolvable Issue status when the status of the Resolving Object changes” option is selected, every time the default status changes on the Resolving Objects (projects or tasks), the status of the Resolvable Object (issues) changes, accordingly. Only default statuses are already mapped to trigger such a change.

The following default statuses for tasks trigger the following changes in the default statuses for issues, when the issue is set as the resolving object of a task:

In ProgressIn Progress

The following default statuses for projects trigger the following changes in the default statuses for issues, when the issue is set as a Resolvable Object of a project. Some project statuses do not trigger changes to the status of the issues. The issues remain in the status they were before the project was turned into one of these statuses:

CurrentIn Progress
On HoldOn Hold
RequestedDoes not trigger a change to the issue status
ApprovedDoes not trigger a change to the issue status
RejectedDoes not trigger a change to the issue status
IdeaDoes not trigger a change to the issue status
After the status of the issue becomes Closed (as a result of closing the task or the project), regardless of what status the task or project changes to after closing them, the issue remains Closed.

Synchronize the Custom Status of the Resolving Object with the Custom Status of the Resolvable Object

When you change the status of the task or project to a custom status, the status of the issue changes to a custom issue status only if the following two conditions are met:

  • The “Automatically update Resolvable Issue status when the status of the Resolving Object changes” option is selected. For more information about how to enable this setting, see Set up Adobe Workfront to handle Resolvable Objects.

  • The custom status of the project or task has the same three letter code as the custom status of the issue.

You can create custom statuses with the same key for both issues and projects or tasks. When the project or task (as a Resolving Object) are changed to the custom status, the change also reflects on the status of the issue. The status key must be the same for the issue and project or task statuses.

For example, create a project custom status named “Launched” with the three letter code “LCD” which equates with “Current”. Also, create an issue custom status named “Project Launched”, also with the letter code “LCD” which equates with “In Progress”. When you mark the project as “Launched”, the issue will automatically change the status to “Project Launched”. If the "
Automatically update Resolvable Issue status when the status of the Resolving Object changes" setting were not enabled, the issue status would change to “In Progress” instead (the default status).

For more information about creating a custom status, see Create or edit a status.

Synchronize the percent complete of a Resolving Object with that of the Resolvable Object

If an issue is resolved by a task or a project, the percent complete of the issue updates on the resolvable issue when any of the following things occur:

  • When someone saves a change on the task or project.
  • The timeline of the project is recalculated.

If and issue is resolved by another issue, the percent complete updates when either of the issues update.

Locate the Resolvable Object on a task or a project

Locating the resolving object is identical for tasks and projects.

  1. Navigate to a project or a task which you created by converting an issue to the project or the task.

  2. Click the Project Details or the Task Details icon and click to expand it.

  3. Click Overview.

  4. At the bottom of the tab, locate to This Resolves field: the issue which is the Resolvable Object of the project or the task is listed in this field.

    Issues cannot be converted to other issues, but they can manually be associated with a Resolving Issue. A project, task, or issue can have multiple issues as Resolvable Objects. When the project, task, or issue resolves, the Resolvable Object (issue) also resolves. The Resolvable Issue remains closed even if the project, task, or issue that resolved it re-opens.

Identify an issue with a Resolving Object in a list

In a list of issues, you can identify issues that are labeled as resolving objects via status icons by locating this icon in the Status Icons or Flags columns:

Resolving object

View Resolvable and Resolving Object information in a report

You can display information about the Resolvable or Resolving Objects in the view or report for projects, tasks, or issues.
The following table shows what fields you can display and in which views you can display them:

Field in ViewIssue ViewTask ViewProject View
Has Resolvables: Displays a True value if the project or task has Resolvable Issues associated with them, and a False value if they do not.
Original Issue Name, Original Issue Entry Date, Originator Name: Displays the name and entry date of the original issue, as well as the name of the user who created the issue in a text-mode customized view.
For more information about building a text mode custom view for a project or task report or list to display information about the original issue, see View: display original issue information on task or project lists.

Resolvables: Displays a list of all Resolvable Objects in a text mode custom view for a project or task report or list.

For more information about building this view, see View: Resolvable Objects in a task or project report

Converted Issue Originator: Displays information about the user who originally logged the issue which was later converted to the task.
Resolve Project: Displays information about the Resolving Project which was either converted from the original issue, or manually designated as the Resolving Object of an issue.
Resolve Task: Displays information about the Resolving Task which was either converted from the original issue, or manually designated as the Resolving Object of an issue.
Resolve Issue: Displays information about the Resolving Issue which was manually designated as the Resolving Object of an issue.


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