Edit results and activities in Adobe Workfront Goals

After your Adobe Workfront administrator has granted you the correct access to Adobe Workfront Goals, you can create and edit goals, results, and activities.

For information about creating goals, results and activities, see the following articles:

Access requirements

You must have the following:

Adobe Workfront plan*

For the new plan and license structure:

  • An Ultimate plan

For the current plan and license structure:

  • A Pro or higher
  • An Adobe Workfront Goals license in addition to a Workfront license.
Adobe Workfront license*

New license: Contributor or higher


Current license: Request or higher

For more information, see Adobe Workfront licenses overview.


New product requirement, one of the following:

  • A Select or Prime Adobe Workfront plan and an additional Adobe Workfront Goals license.
  • An Ultimate Workfront plan which includes Workfront Goals by default.


Current product requirement: A Workfront plan and an additional license for Adobe Workfront Goals.

For information, see Requirements to use Workfront Goals.

Access level
Edit access to Goals
Object permissions

View or higher permissions to the goal to view it

Manage permissions to the goal to edit it

For information about sharing goals, see Share a goal in Workfront Goals.

Layout template
All users, including Workfront administrators, must be assigned a layout template that includes the Goals area in the Main Menu.

*For more information, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Considerations when editing results and activities

  • You can edit results and activities that belong to goals you created or to goals that you have permissions to Manage.

  • You cannot edit the progress of projects that are connected to goals as activities from Workfront Goals. Projects progress is updated when tasks in the project are completed. You can remove projects from the goal by disconnecting them. For more information, see the “Disconnect projects” section in the article Remove results, activities, and projects from goals in Adobe Workfront Goals.

    note note
    If the following project information updates at the project level, Workfront Goals automatically updates it at the goal level:
    • Project owner
    • Project name
    • Project percent complete
    For information about connecting projects to goals, see Add projects to goals in Adobe Workfront Goals.
  • You can delete results and activities from goals when they are no longer relevant to the goal progress. Deleted results and activities cannot be recovered. For information about deleting results and activities, see Remove results, activities, and projects from goals in Adobe Workfront Goals.

  • You can edit results and activities associated with goals from any time period, including in the past.

  • Editing results and activities updates their settings and does not update their progress. You must update the progress of results and activities. For information about updating progress on goals, results, and activities, see Update goal progress in Adobe Workfront Goals.

Edit results

  1. Click the Main Menu Main Menu icon , then Goals.

  2. From the Goal List, click the name of a goal to open the goal page.

  3. Click Progress indicators in the left panel.

  4. Select a result in the Progress indicators list and click the Edit icon Edit icon .

    The Edit Result box opens.

    Edit Result box

  5. Edit the following information:

    • Result name: The name of the result. Use a descriptive name that illustrates what result you need to obtain in order to complete the goal.
    • Result owner: The owner of the result. The owner must be an active Workfront user.
    • Value type: How you measure the progress of the result.
    • Initial Value: The original value of the result.
    • Target Value: The desired value when the result is completed.
      For more information about result fields, see Add results to goals.
  6. Click Save.

Edit activities

  1. Click the Main Menu Main Menu icon , then Goals.

  2. From the Goal List, click the name of a goal to open the goal page.

  3. Click Progress indicators in the left panel.

  4. Select an activity in the Progress indicators list and click the Edit icon Edit icon .

    The Edit Activity box opens.

    Edit Activity box

  5. Edit the following information:

    • Activity name: The name of the activity. Use a descriptive name that illustrates what activity you should perform to indicate that the goal completes.
    • Activity owner: The owner of the activity. The owner must be an active Workfront user.
      For more information about activity fields, see Add activities to goals.
  6. Click Save.
