Category (CTGY)

A Category object is a custom form.

Direct fields

The following fields have been added to support the ability to add a custom form to an assignment.

  • catObjCode

    Added the following possible values:

    • Assignment (ASSGN)
  • objTypes

    Added the following possible values:

    • Assignment (ASSGN)

Classifier (CLSF)

A Classifier is a location.


Added the following actions:

  • activateClassifiers
  • deactivateClassifiers


A Customer object represents an organization that uses an instance of Workfront.

Direct fields
  • customEnumTypes

    Added the following possible values:

    • Assignment Priorities (PRIORITY_ASSIGNMENT)

    The CustomEnum object aids with converting status codes into human-readable text.

CustomerPreferences (CUSTPR)

A CustomerPreferences object represents the set of preferences that a customer has set for their instance of Workfront.

Direct fields
  • name

    Removed the following possible values:

    • Enable Zoom integration in the updates stream (password:zoomIntegrationEnabled)

Document (DOCU)

A Document object represents a file (such as written material, images, or other forms of information).

  • createLargeDocument

    Added the field folderID.

  • sendDocumentsToExternalProvider


ExchangeRate (EXRATE)

An ExchangeRate object represents a currency exchange rate set up in Workfront. ExchangeRate objects are not dynamic.

Direct fields
  • The following fields have added the validator REQUIRED:

    • currency

    • rate

  • The following fields have been added:

    • enteredByID

    • entryDate

    • lastUpdateDate

    • lastUpdatedByID

Reference fields
  • The following fields have been added:

    • enteredBy

    • lastUpdatedBy

Group (GROUP)

A Group object represents a set of users and teams. Groups often represent departmental structure.

The Group object added the flag SHARABLE.

Hour (HOUR)

An Hour object represents an hour logged by a user on a timesheet.

Direct fields

The following fields have been added:

  • assignedApproverID

  • isBillable

  • isBilled

  • rejectedByID

  • rejectedOnDate

  • rejectionComment

  • submittedByID

The following changed were made to the hours field.

  • Removed validator GREATER_THAN
  • Added validator NOT_EQUAL

The following actions have been added:

  • approve

  • unapprove

JournalEntry (JRNLE)

The JournalEntry object can be set up to log information about specific object fields any time those fields are modified. When a field is set up to be logged as a part of the Journal Entry object, a corresponding Journal Entry will be created every time that field is modified.

Direct fields
  • flags

    Added the following possible values:

    • Is cost rate (CR)

    • Is billing rate (BR)

    • Is general finance (GF)

    • Is combined finance (CF)

Parameter (PARAM)

A Parameter object is a custom field.

Direct fields
  • dataType

    Added the following possible value:

    • Duration (DRTN)
  • displayType

    To create a more user-friendly and flexible system, the Widget (WIDGET) field type has been deprecated, and split into the following field types:

    • Adobe XD (ADOBEXD)
    • Image (IMAGE)
    • PDF (PDF)
    • Video (VIDEO)
    • External Lookup (EXTRNL)
    • Multi-Select External Lookup (MULTEXTRNL)
    • Native Field (WFNATIVE)
    • Planning Field (WFPLANNING)
    • Time-phased KPI (TIMEPHASED)
    • Rollup (ROLLUP)
    • Documents (DOCUMENT)
  • configurations


Role (ROLE)

A Role object (job role) represents a functional capacity or a skill set a user might fill, such as Designer or Product Manager.

Direct fields

The following fields have been added:

  • lastUpdateDate

  • lastUpdatedByID

Reference fields

The following fields have been added:

  • lastUpdatedBy


A ScoreCardQuestion object represents a question that has been added to a Scorecard. These questions are usually determined by the Portfolio manager, and their answers allow the manager to understand how well a project aligns with the goals of the portfolio.

Direct fields


To create a more user-friendly and flexible system, the Widget (WIDGET) field type has been deprecated, and split into the following field types:

  • Adobe XD (ADOBEXD)
  • Image (IMAGE)
  • PDF (PDF)
  • Video (VIDEO)
  • External Lookup (EXTRNL)
  • Multi-Select External Lookup (MULTEXTRNL)
  • Native Field (WFNATIVE)
  • Planning Field (WFPLANNING)
  • Time-phased KPI (TIMEPHASED)
  • Rollup (ROLLUP)
  • Documents (DOCUMENT)

TemplateAssignment (TASSGN)

A TemplateAssignment object represents the connection between a template task and the user, team, or group that is assigned to work on it. When the template is used for a project, that user, team, or group is assigned to the task.

The TemplateAssignment object added the flag DATA_EXTENDIBLE.

Direct fields

Added the following direct fields:

  • categoryID

    A category is a custom form. This field supports the ability to add a custom form to an assignment.

Reference fields

Added the following reference fields:

  • category

    A category is a custom form. This field supports the ability to add a custom form to an assignment.

Collection fields

Added the following collection fields:

  • objectCategories

    A category is a custom form. This field supports the ability to add a custom form to an assignment.

Timesheet (TSHET)

A Timesheet object represents a virtual timecard that allows Users to enter actual hours worked for Tasks, Projects, and overhead Hour Types.

Core fields
  • objCode



Learn: Automating Workflows with Workfront Fusion - Unique Use Cases in Action


Tuesday, Mar 4, 6:00 PM UTC

Looking for creative ways to use Workfront Fusion to solve business challenges? Join Pan Shahbazian of Starbucks as she shares three unique use cases that can transform your workflows.


The Perfect Blend: A New Era of Collaboration with AEM and Workfront

Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Wednesday, Apr 2, 5:00 PM UTC

Explore how Adobe Experience Manager and Workfront integrate to help teams move from ideation to delivery without the usual bottlenecks, ensuring content is organized, on-brand, and ready to go live faster.


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