1. Click the Main Menu icon Main menu icon in the upper-right corner of your screen, then click Goals.

  2. Click Goal Alignment in the left panel.

  3. Use the filters in the upper-right corner of the alignment chart to select only goals that are important to you. For information about using filters in Workfront Goals, see Filter information in Adobe Workfront Goals.

    The goals that match your filters display in the alignment chart on cards.

    The following information displays on a goal card:

    Time period datesThis is the period for which the goal is open. The goal must be achieved by the end date of the period. Workfront Goals calculates progress on the goal based on the duration of the goal's period and the current date.
    Progress indicatorsThe number of progress indicators for the goal. Progress indicators can be aligned goals, results, or activities.
    Owner nameThe name of the user, team, group, or the organization designated as the goal Owner.
    Goal nameThe name of the goal.
    Goal Progress bar and Progress

    The goal progress indicates how much of the goal has currently been achieved. This is an automatic calculation of the average of the progress of all aligned goals, results, and activities for the goal based on the time elapsed since the start of the goal's time period. For information about calculating progress on goals, see Overview of goal progress and condition in Adobe Workfront Goals.

    The actual progress of the goal by the current date. The following progress values and colors indicate how likely the goal is to being achieved on time:

    • On Target (green indicator): the goal is on time and will be achieved on time.
    • At Risk (yellow indicator): the goal runs behind and might not be achieved on time.
    • In Trouble (red indicator): the goal is in danger of not being achieved on time.
    StatusGoals in all statuses display in the Goal Alignment section.

    Goals that are aligned to other goals display the number of aligned goals under the goal card.

    Alignment chart arrow

  4. Click the downward-pointing arrow icon under a goal to further expand and view the children goals.

    Alignment chart arrow

    Goals that have children goals aligned to them display the number of aligned goals under their respective cards.
  5. (Conditional) If the current filter excludes some of the goals that participate in an alignment, a warning message displays to indicate that not all goals display.

    Parent goal excluded

  6. Click  Show them to display the goals currently eliminated by the filter.

    Notice the following changes in the alignment chart:

    • Connected goals previously eliminated by the filter now display in the alignment chart.

    • The filter in the upper-right corner is outlined in yellow to indicate that it is currently not applied.

      Yellow filter highlight

      A Reapply filter link displays to the left of the filter name.

  7. (Optional) Click Reapply filter to return to the original results and display the goal hierarchy.

  8. (Optional) Hover over the progress indicator to understand where the goal progress should be for the current day.

    Mouse over alignment chart

    The following information displays:

    As of todayThe progress status is always current.
    ActualThe actual progress (a percentage) of the goal by the current date as calculated by taking into account all the progress indicators on the goal. Goal progress indicators are aligned goals, activities, and results.
    ExpectedThe expected progress (a percentage) of the goal by the current date assuming that you will achieve the goal on time.
  9. Click a goal card to open the goal page. For information about editing existing goals, see Edit goals in Adobe Workfront Goals. For information about updating progress for goals, see Update goal progress in Adobe Workfront Goals.

  10. Click the the upward-pointing arrow of the current-level goal to return to the previous level in the hierarchy of the chart.


    (Optional) Click Exit goal hierarchy to display the cards of all the goals that match the current filter, without displaying their connection to each other.

Previous pageGoal alignment overview in Adobe Workfront Goals
Next pageRemove goal alignment in Adobe Workfront Goals


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