You can make a calendar public and share a link with people who do not have a Workfront license.

  1. Go to the calendar you want to share.

  2. Click Calendar Actions, then click Sharing.

  3. In Preview, click theMoremenu next to the calendar name.
    calendar more menu

  4. Click the gear icon, then click Make this public to external users.

  5. Click Copy link.

  6. In Preview, clickCopy public link.

  7. Click Save.

You can share a private calendar link with Workfront users. Users are required to log in to view the calendar when they use the link.

  1. Go to the calendar you want to share.

  2. In Preview, click theMoremenu next to the calendar name, then clickGet Sharable Link.
    calendar more menu

  3. Click Calendar Actions, then click Get Sharable Link.

  4. Click Copy Link.

    Workfront users must have access to the calendar in order to access it with the link. To grant access, see Share a calendar with Workfront users.
    If users don’t have access, they can request it after pasting the link into their browser.
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