Send a message unrelated to a work item to another user from their profile page

  1. Go to the profile page of the user you want to send a message to.

    To navigate to a user’s profile page, click the linked name of the user as it appears anywhere in the Workfront interface. User names are displayed in many areas, such as in a comment made by the user.

  2. On the Updates tab, click in the text box field.

    Message user on the Updates tab

  3. Type your message.

  4. (Optional) Click in the Notify field, then begin typing the name of another user you want to include in this message.

  5. (Optional) Select Private to my company to make this message visible only to other users in your company.

  6. Click Update.
    The message is posted at the top of the list of messages on the Updates tab on the user’s profile page.

Send a message to one or more users from the User list

This option is only available if you have a Standard, Plan, or Work license.

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Users Users icon .

  2. Select the user or users you want to send a message to, and click Send Update to User.

  3. Type your message in the Send update to user window.

    Message user on the Send update to user window

  4. (Optional) Search for any additional users you want to tag on the message. You do not need to tag the users you already selected in the user list.

  5. (Optional) Select Private to my company to make this message visible only to other users in your company.

  6. Click Send.
    The message is posted at the top of the list of messages on the Updates tab on each user’s profile page.

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