Programs overview in Adobe Workfront

In Adobe Workfront, a program is a collection of projects that have unifying characteristics. For example, they might compete for the same budget, resources, or time frame. Programs are a sub-group of portfolios.

This article contains general information about programs in Workfront.

Access needed to create programs

You must have the following access to create and manage portfolios:

Adobe Workfront plan*

New: Any

Current: Business or higher

Adobe Workfront license*

New: Standard

Current: Plan

Access level configurations
Edit access to Portfolios and Programs
Object permissions

Manage permissions to edit a program or add projects to it

Manage permissions to the portfolio that the program belongs to

View permissions to a program to view it

After you create a program, you have Manage permissions to it, by default

*For information, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Considerations about working with programs

  • You can use both portfolios and programs to organize projects. Through organizing projects, you can compare similar projects and determine where resources will be best spent.

  • Programs are a sub-group of portfolios. If a portfolio contains too many projects, you can divide it in multiple programs and organize the projects first by program, and secondly by portfolio.

    For example, you can have a Marketing 2024 portfolio that is divided into four quarterly programs.

  • Projects that belong to the same program usually compete for the same resources, budget, or time slot.

  • You must first create a portfolio and then you can create multiple programs inside the same portfolio.

    For information about using Programs, see Create a program.

  • You must first create a portfolio, then a program before you can associate a project to a program and a portfolio.

  • When you create projects, programs, and portfolios, consider the following:

    • A project can be independent, without being associated with a program or portfolio.
    • A project can be associated with a portfolio, but it does not need to also be associated with a program.
    • A program must always be associated with a portfolio. It can never exist outside a portfolio.
    • A project associated with a program is always associated with the program’s portfolio.
    • A program can only be associated with one portfolio.
    • A project can be associated only with one program and the program’s portfolio at a time.
    • A portfolio can have multiple programs and projects.
    • A program can have multiple projects.

    For information about creating projects and portfolios, see the following articles:

  • You can use the portfolio optimizer to analyze the performance of all projects inside a portfolio. You cannot compare the performance of multiple projects across the same program alone. You must analyze project performance at the portfolio level.

    For information, see Optimize projects in the Portfolio Optimizer.
