2019.2 Proofing enhancements

This page describes all Proofing enhancements included with the 2019.2 release. The functionality is planned to be available in the Production environment the week of May 20, 2019.

For a list of all changes made in 2019.2, see 2019.2 Release Activity Overview.

Allow users without a proofing license to apply actions and resolve comments

Now, users without a proofing license can apply actions to comments and resolve comments. You can grant permission for these activities when you are adding a user to a proof.

Previously, only users with a proofing license and the proofing role of Author or Moderator could apply actions and resolve comments on a proof.

Tag Any User when Commenting on a Proof in the Proofing Viewer

When you are commenting on a proof, if you have edit rights on the proof, you can now tag or “@mention” anyone with an email address recognized by Workfront. This includes:

  • Anyone who has been added to a proof in your organization’s Workfront account using the email address.
  • Anyone who has used the email address to subscribe to a proof in your organization’s Workfront account.

Previously, you could tag only users who had been added to the proof’s workflow. This is still the way tagging works if you do not have edit right on the proof.

Filter Proof Approval Report to Omit Previous Proof Versions

This feature was released directly to the Production environment during the 2019.2 Preview timeframe.

On any Proof Approval report, you can now use the new Is Current Document Version filter to include only the current versions of proofs waiting for your approval.

This is useful, for example, if you have been asked to approve proofs that have multiple versions. When you run the Proof Approval report with the Is Current Document Version filter, the report lists only the current version of each proof awaiting your approval, omitting earlier versions that you no longer need to work on.

For more information, see Filter: Proof Approval report to omit previous proof versions.
