Entry Dates

Entry dates are stored utilizing ISO 8601 formatting. This standard includes date, time, and timezone infromation.

Example: ISO 8601 date format


Both the date that an object is created and the last date that the object was modified are stored as “entryDate” and “lastUpdateDate”, respectively. For in depth information about Workfront objects, their associated fields, and field names, please see the API Explorer. Notice that the entryDate for any given Workfront object doesn’t change, where as the lastUpdatedDate changes each time the object is modified.

Example: GET reqeust for an issue object, utilizing the lastUpdateDate field. This request would return all issues updated since that specified date.


Journal Entry Object

If you are interested in obtaining changes regarding a specific field on an object then you can query the “Journal Entry” object. The Workfront Journal Entry object can be set up to log information about specific object fields any time those fields are modified, see Configure system updates for additional details.

When a field is setup to be logged as a part of the Journal Entry object a corresponding Journal Entry will be created every time that field is modified. Then, you can query the Journal Entry object using an API call similar to the following:

GET https://{{domain}}.my.workfront.com/attask/api/v15.0/JRNLE/search?fields=newTextVal,oldTextVal,newDateVal,oldDateVal,newNumberVal,oldNumberVal,entryDate,objObjCode,objID,fieldName&fieldName=name&objObjCode=OPTASK&entryDate=2020-05-13T18:18:37.255Z&entryDate_Mod=gte
“entryDate” is used to look at a journal entry of a change, as opposed to looking at the changed object, itself.
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