Edit a filter using text mode

You can edit a filter in a list or report using text mode to access fields that are not available in the standard interface and create more complex filters.

For more text-mode examples when creating a filter, also see the section Samples of custom filters in the article Custom view, filter, and grouping samples: article index.

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Adobe Workfront plan Any
Adobe Workfront license

New: Standard


Current: Plan

Access level configurations

Edit access to Filters, Views, and Groupings

Edit access to Reports, Dashboards, and Calendars to edit reporting elements in a report

Object permissions

Manage permissions to a report to edit filters in a report

Manage permissions to a filter to edit it

For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.


Before starting to use text mode in a report or list, always ensure that you are familiar with the Workfront text mode syntax.

For more information, see:

Edit text mode in a filter

Editing a filter using text mode is identical for reports and lists. Accessing the filter from a report or from a list differs.

We recommend that you build as much of the filter as possible in standard mode, then convert the filter to text mode to edit it.

For more information about building filters, see Filters overview.

For information about creating a report, see Create a custom report.

  1. Do one of the following:

    1. To access the filter from a report, go to the report, then click  Report Actions > Edit > Filters tab.

    2. To access the filter from a list, go to the list and from the Filter menu, hover over the filter that you want to modify and click the Edit icon .

      The filter builder opens.

  2. Click Add a Filter Rule to start adding the conditions of your filter, then click Text mode or Switch to Text Mode on the right side of the builder.

  3. Add filter statements using text mode. Each filter statement may contain the following lines and additional information:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
    Filter line/information Example

    Field name and the value that it equals as they appear in the Workfront database.

    This line is mandatory.

    For more information about how objects and fields appear in the database, see API Explorer.

    <field name in camel case>=<value>

    To filter for tasks in a status of In Progress, use the following line:



    When filtering for statuses, you must use the three-letter code of the status and not the name.

    Field name modifier and what the modifier equals. This indicates which conditions the field you are filtering by must fulfill.

    This line is mandatory.

    <field name in camel case>_Mod=<modifier value>

    To indicate that the status of the tasks you filter for must be equal to In Progress, use the following line in addition to the one above:


    If the modifier is a range, there are two lines to indicate the modifier.


    This is a text mode filter that looks for tasks that are in progress, that have a Planned Completion Date within the current month, and are assigned to a user with a specific GUID:








    For a complete list of filter modifiers in text mode, see the article Filter and condition modifiers.

    Statement operator. By default, each filter statement is connected by the "AND" operator. This does not display in the text mode interface. You can also add an "OR" operator between two statements to indicate that you want to filter for objects that can fulfill one or the other of two conditions.

    Filter operators are required only for filters that have more than one statement.


    • "OR" is case sensitive and must always be capitalized.

    • When you change your operator from AND to OR, the number of list items may increase.

    <first field name in camel case>=<value>

    <first field name in camel case>_Mod=<modifier value>

    OR:1:<second field name in camel case>=<value>

    OR:1:<second field name in camel case>_Mod=<modifier value>


    To filter for tasks in a status of In Progress or with a Planned Completion Date of Today, use the following:





    A wildcard, which allows you to generalize the information in a filter and reference the current time or the user who is logged in.

    Wildcards are optional.


    We recommend using wildcards whenever possible to make your filters more dynamic and not duplicate the same filters for each user or similar time frames.

    For information about filter wildcards, see Wildcard filter variables overview.

    <first field name in camel case>=<wildcard>

    <first field name in camel case>_Mod=<modifier value>


    To filter for tasks that are assigned to the user that is currently logged in, use the following:



  4. To add a filter statement connected by the “OR” operator, do the following:

    1. Add a new line of code and type OR:1: followed by the object or attribute you want to filter by and the value you want to compare it with. To reference tasks that are in any status except New, use the following line:


    2. Add a second line and type OR:1: followed by the object, the modifier, and the modifier code. To define the modifier for the line of code referencing all task statuses except for New, use the following modifier line:


      Each line of the new statement must be preceded by “OR:<number>:”.

      For information about creating “OR” statements in a filter, see Create “OR” statements in text mode filters.

      note note
      You can have multiple “OR” statements in the same filter. Every time you have a new “OR” statement, the number after “OR:” increases.
      To filter for tasks that are in a status of In Progress or are assigned to the logged-in user or they have the Planned Completion Date today, use the following:
  5. Click Exit text mode or Done to save your text mode changes and continue editing the report or the filter.

  6. Click Save + Close to save your report or Save Filter to save the filter in the list.
