2017.2 release activity overview

This page provides information about the functionality included in the 2017.2 release, which is now available in the Production environment for everyone.

The 2017.2 release contains enhancements both for Workfront administrators and other users.

Enhancements for Administrators enhancements-for-administrators

The following sections describe enhancements that are available for Workfront administrators in the Workfront 2017.2 release:

Enhancements for All Users enhancements-for-all-users

The following sections describe enhancements that are available for end-users in the Workfront 2017.2 release:

Subscription Enhancements

Resource Planning Enhancements

Resource Scheduling Enhancements

Project Enhancements

Proofing Enhancements

Proofing Enhancements within Workfront

Proofing Enhancements within both ProofHQ and Workfront

Proofing Enhancements within ProofHQ

Other Enhancements

Functionality Being Removed

Removed from Production

Removed from Early Access

Early Access is being deprecated both in the Preview and Production environments.

As a result of this change, the following feature was removed from Early Access in the Preview environment in the 2017.2 Beta 1 release.

This feature will be removed from Early Access in the Production environment with the 2017.2 release and will no longer be available to any users.

Release Webinars release-webinars

To view webinar recordings for the 2017.2 release, see 2017.2 release webinars.

Product Roadmap Webinar

The Q2 2017 Product Roadmap Webinar was presented by the Workfront Product Team on May 17, 2017. This webinar provides a sneak peak of upcoming product changes that will impact your organization.

The webinar recording is available .
