21.1 release overview

This page provides information about functionality for both Adobe Workfront Classic and the new Adobe Workfront experience that is included in the 21.1 release.

With this release, we’re releasing new features and enhancements to help you lead the comeback in 2021 with adaptable strategies, automated work processes, and a connected digital infrastructure to enable success across the enterprise.

These enhancements are currently available

in the Production environment.

They were released the week of February 15, 2021.

Adobe Workfront enhancements

Administrator enhancements administrator-enhancements

Release dates and environments

Introduce new Access Level setting for copying projects

To give you more control, as a system administrator, to what Planners can do with a project, we have made the Edit access to projects in the access level more granular, by introducing a new setting that allows you to enable or disable their ability to copy projects. Prior to this change, when you enabled users' access to Edit projects, they automatically had access to copy them. With the new feature, you can give someone access to edit projects without necessarily having access to copy them by disabling the new Copy setting.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 13, 2021

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

In a Custom Form on an object, select all items in a multi-select drop-down field

On the Details page for an object, when you are filling in a multi-select drop-down field on a Custom Form, you can click Select All if you need to select all of the available options.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 13, 2021

Production release: With the 21.1 release (Not currently available when you are submitting a new Request.)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Recalculate all Custom Form fields for an object

Now it's easier to ensure that all data in calculated custom fields is current for an object. A new Recalculate Expressions menu option lets you quickly recalculate all data in these fields.

This is especially useful after someone edits data in another object that is referenced by a calculated custom field in your object.

Previously, users had to use workarounds to ensure that all data in calculated custom fields was current. For example, they edited the object along with other objects to use the recalculation option that is available for bulk editing.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 10, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Unlock task and issue preferences for Group Administrators

Workfront administrators can now give Group Administrators more autonomy by unlocking individual task and issue preferences. When a preference is unlocked, Group Administrators can configure it for their groups to serve each group's unique needs and internal processes.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 2, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release (Before June 24, 2021, this was available as part of a phased rollout only for customers on Cluster 4 and 6 and a few other customers. Now it is available in Production for all customers.)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Configure access level settings for portfolios and programs separately

Now it's easier to manage user access to portfolios and programs because you can configure their access level settings separately.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 2, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Select all checkboxes in a series when editing information in a Custom Form

On the Details page for an object, when you are filling in a Custom Form field containing checkboxes, you can click Select All if you need to select all of the checkboxes available.

This option displays only if the field contains more than 2 checkboxes.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 2, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release (Not currently available when submitting a request.)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Configure your Workfront email allowlist

To better secure your data, you can now use an email domain allowlist to:

  • Control where Workfront emails can go if they contain reports or documents stored in Workfront

  • Control email domains can be in the email address that users can specify in their user profile

For example, if you want to protect sensitive data, such as a report listing your at-risk customers, you can include only your internal email domain or domains in the email allowlist. That way, users cannot send that report (or any other Workfront report) to an external email address.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: November 20, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Assign a Group Administrator for a subgroup

To make it easier for the levels of your organization to operate independently, we have added the ability to assign a Group Administrator to a subgroup. Now you can make sure you are delegating subgroup management to the right people.

Previously, only a top-level group could have Group Administrators, and those administrators managed all of the subgroups beneath the top-level group.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: November 20, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Work with group projects and approval processes in the Groups area

If you are a Group Administrator, it's easy to view and work with your group's projects and approval processes now that they are listed in the Groups area.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: November 20, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Configure event notifications for groups New in Preview!

Workfront administrators can now give Group Administrators more autonomy by allowing them to configure event notifications for their top-level groups. Subgroups inherit event notification configurations from their top parent group.

Previously, event notifications were configurable only by a Workfront administrator at the system level, which means that all groups had to use the same set of event notifications.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 22, 2021

Production release: With the 21.1 release (Available initially in Production only to customers on Cluster 4 as part of a phased rollout; available for other clusters shortly thereafter)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

View the number of licenses used and allocated in a group

To determine how well your licenses are distributed, you can now view the number of licenses that are used in a group and any subgroups below it.

If you manage a top-level group, you can view both the number of licenses that are used in a group (and its subgroups) and the maximum number of licenses allocated for the group.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: November 20, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Resource Management enhancements resource-management-enhancements

Release dates and environments

Workload Balancer for Projects

The Workload Balancer is now available within a project. Now, you have an option to select between using the Workload Balancer or the Scheduling tool to manage your project resources.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 17, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Workfront Balancer available for a team

The Workload Balancer is now available within a team. Now, you have an option to select between using the Workload Balancer or the Scheduling tool to manage your team resources.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: November 20, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Project Management enhancements project-management-enhancements

Release dates and environments

Export now available in Metrics section on a project

To more easily share the status and progress of a project, you can now export the entire dashboard in the Metrics section of a project to a .png file.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 15, 2021

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Update issue percent complete when the project or task converted from the issue update

We have updated the way the percent complete of issues works for issues that have been converted to projects or tasks. With the new functionality, when an issue is converted to a task or a project, the percent complete of the issue updates in sync with the percent complete of the resolving task or project when the "Automatically update Resolvable Issue status when the status of the Resolving Object changes" setting is enabled from setup.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 13, 2021

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Fields removed from the New Request page

As part of the redesign of the New Request page, we have updated the New Issue Fields that are set up in the Queue Setup section of a project.

Various New Issue Fields display only when creating an issue from the project's Issues section. They do not display when submitting an issue using a request queue in the Requests area.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 13, 2021

Production release: With the 21.1 release (Removed from release)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New experience when submitting requests in the Requests area

To bring consistency with the new Workfront experience and create efficiencies for you when submitting requests, we have redesigned the New Request box in the Requests area.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 13, 2021

Production release: With the 21.1 release (Removed from release; will remain in Preview and release to Production with 21.2)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Share a link to a request queue when submitting a request

We have now made it possible to share a link to a request queue, topic group, or queue topic As you create a request.

Before you submit a new request, you can copy a link to the request queue, topic group, or queue topic of the request and share it with other users, or embed it in a dashboard.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 13, 2021

Production release: With the 21.1 release (Removed from release; will remain in Preview and release to Production with 21.2)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New Submitted Requests list

To allow you to manage your Submitted Requests in an easier, more consistent way, we have removed the Requests I've Submitted and All Requests sections in the Requests area and replaced them with a new Submitted list. The list has a familiar look and feel that matches all other lists in the system, allowing you to filter for different categories of submitted requests and quick search for a request that might be hard to find.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 2, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Search for a group you want to assign to a project and view its details

It's now easier to make sure you identify the right group when you are assigning a group to a project. Hover over the name of a group you find in the Group box, then click the info icon that displays next to the name to view the Group Details tooltip.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 17, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New User Delegation report

Previously, information for task, issue, and project approval delegations could only be viewed by the delegate in their Home area. To allow other users to see this information, Plan users can now create the User Delegation report, which tells you:

  • Who has delegated these approvals to another user

  • Which user has been delegated these approvals

  • The start and end date of these delegations

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 17, 2020

Production release: January 21, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Enhanced analytics improvements enhanced-analytics-improvements

Release dates and environments

People page now available for all clusters

The People page is now available on Workfront Classic for Cluster 4. This page includes the charts for Activity by team, Resource capacity, and Team capacity.

This page was previously available with the 20.3 release in both Workfront Classic and the new Workfront experience for all other clusters.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 28, 2021

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience (Previously available)

Adobe Workfront Classic

Enhanced analytics now displays by default

Note: This change only applies to users who are newly added to Layout Templates. Users assigned to a custom Layout Template are also unaffected by this change.

In the default Layout Template, the Analytics area is now enabled by default, which means users assigned to this Layout Template now see the Analytics area in the Global Navigation Bar in Workfront Classic and the Main Menu in the new Workfront experience.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: November 6, 2020

Production release: December 3, 2020

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Enhanced analytics available for all clusters

Enhanced analytics is available for all Workfront clusters, including customers on Cluster 6.

Previously, Enhanced analytics was not available with Google Cloud Platform, preventing customers on Cluster 6 from accessing the Analytics area. Now, Business and Enterprise customers on Cluster 6 can access the Analytics area.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: November 20, 2020

Production release: December 3, 2020

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Integration enhancements integration-enhancements

Release dates and environments

Adobe Workfront notification enhancements in Microsoft Teams

To make it easier for you to use Workfront through Microsoft Teams, we've added various enhancements to Microsoft Teams notifications sent from Workfront.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: N/A

Production release: January 12, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Mobile enhancements mobile-enhancements

Release dates and environments

New navigation breadcrumbs in the Adobe Workfront app

We've added breadcrumb navigation to the Workfront mobile app. Now, you can use this feature to navigate to parent work items within a project.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: N/A

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Rich text supported in custom forms on the Workfront app

You can now use rich text formatting in custom form text fields in the Workfront mobile app.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: N/A

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

SSO users can now re-login to the Workfront app with Face ID or Fingerprint technology

If your organization uses SSO, you can now use your Face ID or Fingerprint to login to the Workfront mobile app after your session as timed out. You must log in with your SSO credentials initially though.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: N/A

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Other enhancements other-enhancements

Release dates and environments

Updates to Event Subscription failure requirements

We are updating the soft-disable requirements of Event Subscription failures. In addition to the existing requirements, Event Subscriptions will now be soft disabled if they fail to achieve a successful delivery within 2000 attempts. This is to strengthen the existing 70% failure rule which can lead to excessive amounts of failures, under some conditions.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: N/A

Production release: January 11, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

New Team fields available to the Daily Digest

We've added Team approval and assignments fields to the Action Needed Daily Digest email.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 17, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Replacing POP email option in Request Queues

We're replacing the POP email option for request queues with a new Workfront-managed system. You will still be able to submit requests via email, but you'll need to set up a new Workfront-managed email address in the Request Queue area instead.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 17, 2020

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Restrict hour editing on timesheets

To provide more control over timesheets and hour editing, we've added a setting that allows you to restrict hour editing to timesheet owners and system administrators.

Previously, users with the Timesheets & Hours option enabled in their access level could edit hours on any timesheet.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 21, 2021

Production release: With the 21.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Improved filters and views in the Timesheets area

We've added filters for projects and issues, as well as added View and Grouping options to the Search page.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 2, 2020

Production release: January 21, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Hide the overtime box in Timesheets

You can now hide the overtime box to ease user confusion if you do not track overtime in Workfront. You can hide the overtime box for a single-use timesheet or in the Timesheet Profile.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 2, 2020

Production release: December 16, 2020

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Expand or collapse items in the breadcrumb navigation

To allow easier viewing of the full breadcrumb path, we've added expand and collapse functionality.

Now, any truncated items are grouped before the Project with the text "more". For example, "3 more" indicates that there are 3 objects that aren't displaying.

Previously, you had to click the ellipsis to display any truncated objects in a drop-down menu.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 7, 2020

Production release: January 21, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New look and feel to breadcrumb navigation

To help users to better identify where they are in Workfront and more easily navigate between objects, we've made several improvements to breadcrumb navigation.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: December 10, 2020

Production release: January 21, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Workfront Goals enhancements

Most new features coming to Workfront Goals release with the 21.1 release. For information about these new features now available in Preview, see Adobe Workfront Goals with the 21.1 release.

Workfront Scenario Planner enhancements

New features coming to Workfront Scenario Planner release with the 21.1 release. For information about these new features now available in Preview, see Adobe Workfront Scenario Planner with the 21.1 release.

Workfront Fusion enhancements

New features in Workfront Fusion are available in Production at a cadence outside of the 21.1 release schedule. For more information about the latest features, see Adobe Workfront Fusion release activity

API enhancements

API version 12 is now available with the 20.4 release.

For information about what’s new and updated, see What’s new in API version 12.

For more information about API versions, see API versioning and support schedule


Workfront Maintenance Updates

For information about the maintenance updates made during the 21.1 release, see Workfront Maintenance Updates.


New IP addresses for Workfront email with the 21.1 release new-ip-addresses-for-workfront-email-with-the-21-1-release

In an effort to increase successful email delivery, we’re adding new IP addresses with the 21.1 Production release for clusters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

For details about which IP addresses you need to add for your cluster, see New IP addresses for Adobe Workfront email with the 21.1 release.

To find out which cluster you’re instance is on, go to Setup > System > Customer Info.

Allowlist of additional IP addresses for Event Subscriptions allowlist-of-additional-ip-addresses-for-event-subscriptions

In an effort to increase successful Event Subscription delivery, we’re adding 4 new IP addresses with the 21.1 Production release in the first quarter of 2021. You must add these IP addresses to your allowlist before February 2021 to ensure your users continue to receive Event Subscriptions.

Contact your internal IT and/or security department for assistance in adding the new IPs found in the article, Event Subscription API.

Allowlist of additional domains required for accessing Workfront allowlist-of-additional-domains-required-for-accessing-workfront

If your organization uses a firewall, you must add the following additional domains to your allowlist in order to ensure uninterrupted access to Workfront:

  • event.split.io
  • sdk.split.io

For more information, see Configure your firewall’s allowlist.

Flash deprecation flash-deprecation

All Flash-based tools were removed from all products on November 19, 2020.

Find out more about replacement solutions for each specific Flash-based tool in the following article: Replacement of Flash-based tools in Adobe Workfront.

21.1 Release Webinar 21-1-release-webinar

The Workfront 21.1 Release Webinar will be presented February 3, at 11:00 am EDT / 4:00 pm BST. Register for the webinar here.

Change in Preview release cadence change-in-preview-release-cadence

Starting on May 20, 2020, Workfront began to make functionality available in the Preview environment on a weekly basis. Prior to this change, functionality was typically released to the Preview environment every two weeks.

For more information, see Change in Workfront preview release cadence FAQ

Workfront One workfront-one

With Workfront One, you’ll discover the most important content, resources, and news from Workfront —all in one place, with one login. We’ve unified the Experience, Community, and Training sites making it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Learn more about Workfront One.
