21.1 Enhanced analytics improvements

This page describes all Project Management enhancements made with the 21.1 release to the Preview environment. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment the week of February 15, 2021.

For a list of all changes available with the 21.1 release, see 21.1 release overview.

Enhanced analytics now displays by default

This change only applies to users who are newly added to Layout Templates. Users assigned to a custom Layout Template are also unaffected by this change.

In the default Layout Template, the Analytics area is now enabled by default, which means users assigned to this Layout Template now see the Analytics area in the Global Navigation Bar in Adobe Workfront Classic and the Main Menu in the new Adobe Workfront experience.

To learn more about Enhanced analytics, see Enhanced analytics overview.

Enhanced analytics available for all clusters

Enhanced analytics is available for all Workfront clusters, including customers on Cluster 6.

Previously, Enhanced analytics was not available with Google Cloud Platform, preventing customers on Cluster 6 from accessing the Analytics area. Now, Business and Enterprise customers on Cluster 6 can access the Analytics area.

To learn more about Enhanced analytics, see Enhanced analytics overview.

People page now available for all clusters

The People page is now available on Workfront Classic for Cluster 4. This page includes the following charts:

  • Activity by team
  • Resource capacity
  • Team capacity

This page was previously available with the 20.3 release in both Workfront Classic and the new Workfront experience for all other clusters.

To learn more about the charts available in the People page, see Enhanced analytics overview.
