Upload documents to Illustrator

  1. Click the Menu icon in the top-right corner, then select Work List. You can also use the menu to navigate to parent objects.

    Return to Work List

  2. Go to the work item where you want to upload a document.

  3. Click the Document icon Document icon in the navigation bar.

  4. Click New File near the bottom of the plugin.

  5. (Optional) Type a comment in the Updates area.

  6. Choose the Asset Type from the drop-down menu.

  7. Open the Set Export File Settings dialog boxthen configure any desired export options based on the asset type chosen above.

    File export settings

  8. Click Upload.
    The document appears in the Documents area in the plugin and the desktop app.

If the document exports as a text document, you may need to reset your preferences in Adobe Illustrator.
  1. In Illustrator, click the Edit tab and select Preferences.
  2. Select General.
  3. Click Reset Preferences.
  4. Close and restart Illustrator.
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