Overview of Adobe Experience Manager Assets integrations

The integration between Workfront and Experience Manager Assets or Assets Essentials helps organizations improve content velocity and time-to-market by intrinsically connecting work and digital asset management.

Adobe does not support using the legacy or enhanced connectors and Experience Manager integration in parallel.

Key features

With the native Experience Manager integration, you can

  • Quickly set up the integration inside of Workfront
  • Automatically create folders linked between Workfront and Experience Manager
  • Easily sync metadata for existing linked assets
  • Automatically update portfolio, program, project, task, issue, and document metadata when it’s changed in Workfront
  • Smoothly connect several Experience Manager Assets repositories to one Workfront environment, or several Workfront environments to one Experience Manager Assets repository across Organization IDs


  • Workfront must be in an Admin Console with an assigned Organization ID.
  • Workfront and Experience Manger Assets or Assets Essentials must be assigned as a product to the user configuring the integration.

Supported products

  • Adobe Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service
  • Adobe Experience Manager Assets Essentials

Supported cloud service providers for Workfront

  • AWS (Amazon Web Services)
  • Azure
  • GCP (Google Cloud Platform)

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