Set up the integration

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. Select Documents documents icon in the left panel, then select Experience Manager Integration.

  3. Select Add Experience Manager Integration.

  4. Specify the following:

    NameEnter the name you want users to see in the Add new button in the Documents area.
    Navigation URLThe system automatically populates the Navigation URL. This URL is used to link to your organization's Assets Essentials instance from the Main Menu for quick access.
    Experience Manager Assets repositoryThe system automatically populates the Experience Manager repository associated with your Organization ID.
  5. Click Save or move on to the Set up metadata (optional) section in this article.

Set up metadata (optional)

Map Workfront object data to asset media fields in Experience Manager Assets. Metadata maps when an asset is pushed from Workfront for the first time.


Before you begin, you must

Supported Workfront and Experience Manager Assets fields

AEM Keyword

You can map any Workfront supported field to a keyword in Experience Manager Assets Essentials.

To link a field to a keyword, select xcm:keywords in the Experience Manager Assets field dropdown in the metadata mapping area.

To map multiple single-line text fields to keywords, enter a comma-separated list of the keyword values into the Workfront side of the metadata mapping, and xcm:keywords on the Experience Manager Assets side. Each field value maps to a separate keyword. You can use a calculated field to combine multiple Workfront fields into a single comma-separated text field.


Metadata maps when an asset is pushed from Workfront for the first time. Documents with the built-in or custom fields automatically map to the specified fields the first time an asset is sent to Experience Manager Assets Essentials.

  1. In the Workfront field column, choose a built-in or custom Workfront field.

    You can map a single Workfront field to multiple Experience Manager Assets fields. You can’t map multiple Workfront fields to a single Experience Manager Assets field.
  2. In the Experience Manager field, choose an Experience Manager Assets field.

    To map a Workfront field to an Experience Manager Assets tag, select xcm:keywords.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as needed.
    enable metadata

  4. Click Save or move on to the Set up linked folders (optional) section in this article.

Set up linked folders (optional)

You can allow users to create folders linked to Experience Manager while in a Workfront project. When a folder is linked, any asset added to the folder automatically shows up in both Workfront and Experience Manger. When an asset is added to the linked folder in Workfront for the first time, the asset’s metadata is pushed to Experience Manager Assets.

In the steps below, you indicate where you want the linked folders created. Each integration can have only one location for all linked folders.

To set up linked folders:

  1. Toggle Enabled linked folder on.

  2. Choose a folder path to indicate where you want all linked folders associated with this integration to live.
    linked folders setup screen

    Users need write access in Adobe Experience Manager Assets to the folder specified to create a linked folder.
  3. Click Save.

Previous pageConfigure the Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service integration
Next pageConfigure Workfront with Adobe Experience Manager legacy connector


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