Viewing the Proof via the Basecamp Message

When you receive an email notification about a new proof added to your Basecamp project:

  1. Go to your project page (1).

  2. Find the message for your proof (2).
    The message page contains the name of the proof (in the subject) (3) and a link to the full screen Proof Viewer (4).

  3. Basecamp_messages_1.png

  4. If you are logged in to your Workfront Proof account in one of your browsers windows, you can start reviewing right away. If you cannot see your name in bottom left corner of miniproof:

  5. Click Sign In (5).

  6. Type your email address (which was used to add you to the proof) (6).

  7. Click Next and in a second box that appears, type your Workfront Proof password (7).
    If you don’t have a Workfront Proof account, type a public name to display.

  8. Click Remember me so you only have to input your details once.
    Now you’re ready to proceed with reviewing the proof in Basecamp.

Reviewing a Proof in Basecamp

Reviewing a proof in Basecamp is as easy as doing so in Workfront Proof. The miniproof in Basecamp provides you with all the tools you need to add comments, mark-ups and make decisions on the proof.


  • Your Basecamp project name (1)
  • The Workfront Proof email notification subject (2)
  • Direct link to the full Proof Viewer (opens a full window view) (3)
  • Proof name and version (4)
  • Action menus (5)
  • Full-screen button (6)
  • Sidebar (7)
  • User name (8)
  • Comment and Decision buttons (9)
  • Zoom tools (10)
  • Page navigation tools (11)

There is no need to send a response to the Basecamp message, as the comments and decisions will be saved on the proof (as they are when reviewing a proof within Workfront Proof).

Reviewing the Full-Page Proof

You can display the full-page proof with all of the Workfront Proof normal functionality by clicking either the link in the message just above the miniproof or the fullscreen icon in the top right corner of the miniproof.

The proof image is still the original size, but the page itself is wider than the miniproof page.

The full-page proof shows:

  • The Add comments and Submit decision buttons (rather than the comments and decision icons shown on the miniproof) (1).
  • More zooming and navigation tools than the miniproof (2).
  • The Go to Basecamp button in the top left corner of the proof. Clicking this will take you back into your Basecamp account (3).


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