Public and private subgroups

For a public group, any user (in or out of the group) who has edit-user access can add the group to the profile of other users. They cannot do this for a private group.

You can edit this option only on the top parent group in a hierarchy of groups that has more than one level. All subgroups of the parent group inherit its setting.

If you create a subgroup under a group that is public, the subgroup is also public, by default. For more information about creating a group and making it public, see Create a group. For more information about the access needed to edit users, see Grant access to users.

Any group you add to an existing group automatically becomes a subgroup and is no longer a main group. However, the subgroup retains its existing users, as well as any associations with projects, issues, and tasks, in addition to all project, task, and issue statuses that belong to the new parent group.

Group administrators for subgroups

You can assign subgroup members as group administrators to the subgroup when you create it or edit it. For instructions, see in the article Create a group.

Alternately, you can leave administration of the subgroup to the group administrators who are assigned to the groups above it. When you create a subgroup, group administrators over the groups above it have automatic access to manage the subgroup.

If you add a user to a subgroup and that user is a group administrator for a group anywhere above the subgroup, that user has administrative rights to manage the subgroup, even without being assigned as a group administrator for it.

To learn which actions available for an Adobe Workfront administrator managing the Workfront system, a group administrator managing a top-level group, and a group administrator managing a subgroup, see Actions allowed for different types of administrators.

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