Create or edit an Automated Workflow for an existing proof:

  1. Hover over the document in the Documents area, then click Proofing Workflow.


    If you are reviewing the proof in the proofing viewer, click Workflow Workflow icon in the left panel, then click the Edit icon Edit icon to open the Automated Workflow settings for the proof.

  2. (Conditional) If the proof currently is currently using a basic workflow (without stages), click Convert to Automated Workflow in the screen that appears.

    You cannot edit the first stage when you convert from a basic workflow to an Automated Workflow, but you can add and configure new stages.
  3. Conditional) To use an Automated Workflow template that your Adobe Workfront administrator created and shared with you, click Add template, select the template in the box that appears, then click Add template.

    For more information, see About using Automated Workflow templates in this article.

  4. Add a stage to the Automated Worfklow:

    1. Click New stage near the upper-right corner.

    2. In the box that appears, type a  Name for the stage.

    3. (Optional) Set a deadline for the stage.

    4. In the Activate stage section, choose how you want the stage to activate:

      On proof creationThe stage becomes active automatically because the proof has already been created.
      When previous stage deadline passesClick the previous stage in the Parent stage drop-down list .
      On a specific date & timeClick the On box to select the date, then click the box to the right to select the time.
      All decisions are Approved or Approved with changes on parent stageClick the parent stage in the Parent stage drop-down list.
      All decisions are Approved on parent stageClick the parent stage in the Parent stage drop-down list.
      All decisions are madeClick the parent stage in the Parent stage drop-down list.
    5. Enter a contact name or email address, and configure settings for reviewers for the stage.

      For information about adding reviewers, see About adding reviewers to a stage in this article.

    6. Use any of the following options to further configure the stage:

      Deadline options

      To set a deadline for the stage, click an option in the Deadline options drop-down list. Then, under Deadline, do one of the following:

      • If you chose Set specific date: Select the deadline date and time you want.
      • If you chose Calculate from stage activation date: Select the number of business days you want to add to the stage activation date to determine the deadline.
      Lock stageSpecify when the stage can be locked.
      Primary decision makerSelect the Primary decision maker on the stage (available only after you add at least one person to the stage who has a Proof role of Approver or higher). If you select a Primary decision maker, the Only one decision required option is disabled on this stage.
      Only one decision required

      Ends the entire review process when one of the decision makers makes a decision.

      This option is not available if you designated a user in the  Primary decision maker drop-down menu.

      Private stageAllows only the following people to view comments and decisions made during this stage: Supervisors, Adobe Workfront administrators, and Workfront Proof administrators
      Notify people by emailAlerts reviewers with an email notification when it's their turn to work on the proof.
    7. Click Add stage.

  5. Repeat the previous step as needed to add more stages.

    As you add stages to the Automated Workflow, a diagram forms on the screen to represent them:

    Workflow diagram

  6. When you are finished adding stages, click Done.

About using Automated Workflow templates

Consider the following when you use an Automated Workflow template:

  1. An Automated Workflow template’s settings determine what you can do with the Automated Workflow for a proof. For example, if the Add a stage button disabled in the template, it is not visible as you work with the Automated Workflow settings for the proof.
  2. When a person is added to a sage in an Automated Workflow template, but also already present as a reviewer on the proof, applying the template removes the reviewer from the stage. If you don’t add another reviewer to the stage, a message will prompt you to add one.
  3. Your ability to modify an Automated Workflow template depends on the template settings configured by the Workfront administrator, as described in . If the ability to modify the template is disabled, only the owner of the template can modify it.

About adding reviewers to a stage

Consider the following when adding reviewers to a stage:

  • After you add a user to a stage, you can configure settings for that user on the proof, such as the proof role and any additional permissions they should have and the type of email alerts they will receive when people make comments and decisions on the proof.

  • You can drag one or more users from one stage to another. You can drag users directly to another stage, or you can drag users to a stage on the Stages diagram. To select multiple users, press Shift+Ctrl (on Windows) or Shift+Command (on Mac).

  • You can add a reviewer to a proof only once, which means that you cannot add the same person to more than one stage on the proof.

  • Reviewers who are not added to a private stage cannot see that stage on the proof or comments made in that stage.

  • By default, adding a user to a stage grants that user access to view the proof from the moment the proof is created.

    Your Workfront administrator can restrict users from accessing the proof until the workflow enters the stage where the user was added. For more information, see  in .


Learn: Automating Workflows with Workfront Fusion - Unique Use Cases in Action


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