
You must have the following before you can start:

  • A parent goal that has at least one child goal associated with it. Children goals are the goal’s progress indicators.

Considerations about removing goal alignment

Consider the following when removing alignment between two goals:

  • The parent goal must have another goal, activity, or result associated with it to be able to stay Active.
  • You cannot remove an aligned child goal from a parent goal if it is the only progress indicator of the parent goal.
  • The child goal becomes a standalone goal when you remove its alignment to the parent goal.

Remove goal alignment

  1. Access the Goals area in Workfront and click the name of a goal to open the goal’s page.

  2. From the goal’s page of a parent goal, click Progress Indicators in the left panel.

    REmove goal alignment

  3. In the Type: Goal grouping, select a goal, then click the Disconnect icon Disconnect icon at the top of the list.

    The Disconnect box displays.

  4. Click Disconnect to disconnect the selected goal from its parent.

    The goal becomes a standalone goal and it is no longer listed as a progress indicator of the original goal. The progress of the disconnected goal no longer influences the progress of the original goal.

    A success message displays in the upper-right corner of the page to confirm that the goal was disconnected.

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