Upload a static Proof
Click the Menu icon in the top-right corner, then select Work List. You can also use the menu to navigate to parent objects.
Go to the work item where you want to upload a static proof.
Click the Document icon
Click New File near the bottom of the plugin.
Select the artboards you wish to upload.
- Artboards will appear in the proof in the order they were selected. The first selected artboard will be the first page in the proof, and so on.
- To quickly select more than one artboard, click and drag the mouse over the artboards you want. This does not allow you to control the order of artboards in the proof.
Enable Create a Proof.
Name the proof.
Choose the type of proof approval you want:
(Optional) Adjust automated proof workflow settings
(Optional) Type a comment in the Updates area.
Choose the export format from the Asset Type drop-down menu.
(Optional) If you select PDF as the asset type and have more than one artboard selected, choose if you want to export your artboards as Single PDF files or Multiple PDF files.
(Optional) Name the PDF.
Click Upload.
The document appears in the Documents area in the plugin and the desktop app.
Upload an interactive proof
You can create an interactive proof for your artboards with the Workfront for Adobe plugin. It is a 2-step process. First you need to create an interactive link, then you need to upload the proof to a work item.
Create an interactive link for your artboard
Open your artboard, then click Share in the top-left area of the screen.
Specify the link settings:
Name the link.
Choose a view setting.
In the Link Access section, ensure Anyone with this link is selected.
You must enable this type of access in order to generate an interactive proof.
Click Create Link.
Click back to Design in the top-left area of the screen. Continue to the Upload an interactive proof section below.
You may need to reopen the plugin panel in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
Upload an interactive proof
Click the Menu icon in the top-right corner, then select Work List. You can also use the menu to navigate to parent objects.
Go to the work item where you want to upload an interactive proof.
Click the Document icon
Click New File near the bottom of the plugin.
Enable Create a Proof.
Choose the type of proof approval you want:
(Optional) Adjust automated proof workflow settings
(Optional) Type a comment in the Updates area.
In the Asset Type drop-down menu, choose the link you just created under the Shared links tab. For more information, see Create an interactive link for your artboard.
Click Upload.
The document appears in the Documents area in the plugin and the desktop app.
Users must have access to the Desktop Proofing Viewer to review and approve interactive proofs. For more information, see Install the Desktop Proofing Viewer.
Upload a new proof version
You can upload a new version of a proof. The plugin remembers the proofing workflow set on the previous version, but you can change this if you wish.
Click the Menu icon in the top-right corner, then select Work List. You can also use the menu to navigate to parent objects.
Go to the work item you need to upload a document to.
Click the Document icon
Click New Version near the bottom of the plugin.
Enable Create a Proof.
Select the artboards you wish to upload.
If you want to upload a new version of an .svg, .png, or .jpg, you can upload only one artboard. -
Choose the type of proof approval you want:
(Optional) Adjust automated proof workflow settings
Choose the export format from the Asset Type drop-down menu.
(Optional) Type a comment in the Updates area.
(Optional) If you select PDF as the asset type and have more than one artboard selected, choose if you want to export your artboards as Single PDF files or Multiple PDF files.
(Optional) Name the PDF.
PDF options
Click Upload.
The document appears in the Documents area in the plugin and the desktop app.