Modify assignments for multiple tasks

  1. Go to the list that contains the tasks where you want to modify assignments.

  2. (Optional) Create a filter to display only tasks assigned to the assignee that you want to modify.

    For example, if your project contains a specific role as the default assignee for multiple tasks, you can create a filter to display only tasks with that role as the assignee. Then, you can replace the role with a specific user.

    For information about creating a filter, see Create or edit filters.

  3. To filter on a role, select Assignment Roles, then click ID.

    Do not use the Assigned to field. This finds only the Primary Owner for the task instead of any of the roles that could be assigned to them.


    To filter for a user, select Assignment Users, then click ID.

    Do not use the Assigned to field. This finds only the Primary Owner for the task instead of any of the users that could be assigned to them.
  4. Select the tasks for which you want to modify assignments, then click the Edit icon .

    The Edit Tasks page displays. The items that you edit display in the upper-left corner of the page.

  5. Go to the Assignments section.

  6. Do one of the following to add or remove assignees:

    Removing assignees can affect the task hours and allocation percentages. For more information, see the section How removing assignees affects task hours and allocation percentages in this article.
    • To add a new assignee:

      1. In the Assignments section, select Assignee.

        Information that is common across all tasks selected displays. For example, if the same user is assigned to all tasks, that user displays in the Assignee column. If information is not common across the tasks selected, no information displays.

      2. Start typing the name of a user, role, or team, then select it when it displays in the list. The assignment is added and does not replace the current assignments on the selected tasks.

      • You can assign multiple users, job roles, or teams. You can assign only active users, job roles, and teams.

      • When adding a user assignment, notice the avatar, the user’s Primary Role, or their email address to distinguish between users with identical names. Users must be associated with at least one job role to view it as you add them. You must have the View Contact Info setting enabled in your access level for Users to view users’ emails. For information, see Grant access to users.

        If a user, job role, or a team was assigned before they were deactivated, they remain assigned to the work item. In this case, we recommend the following:

        • Reassign the work item to active resources.
        • Associate the users in a deactivated team with an active team and reassign the work item to the active team.
    • To remove individual assignees:

      1. Click the X icon next to the name of the assignee that you want to remove if the assignee displays in the Assignments list.


        (Conditional) If the assignee that you want to remove does not display in the Assignments section because the assignee is assigned to only some of the tasks that you have selected, click Remove Assignee and start typing the name of the assignee that you want to remove, then click the name when it appears in the drop-down list.

    • To remove all existing assignees:

      1. Click Remove All Existing Assignees, then click Yes, Delete All Assignees.

        This removes not only common assignees (assignees that are displayed in the edit dialog box), but also all assignees on all the selected tasks.

      Removing users from tasks can affect task hours and allocation percentages.

      For more information, see Overview of modifying task assignments.

  7. (Optional) Modify any of the following options for assignees:

    • (Conditional) Allocation % or Hours: Specify a new allocation percentage or hours.

      This option can be modified only if the Duration Type is the same across all tasks that are being edited. When the Duration Type is Calculated Work or Effort Driven you can update the Allocation %. When the Duration Type is Simple you can update the Hours. For information about Duration Type, see Overview of Task Duration and Duration Type.
      If the field is blank, this means that the value is different across tasks; however, you are still able to modify it.
    • Task Owner: Select this option to make the assignee the owner of the task for all tasks being edited.

    • Assignee’s Role: Select a role from the drop-down list. If left unselected, Adobe Workfront automatically selects the Primary Role of the user.

  8. Click Save Changes.

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Next pageManage user or role allocation percentage on tasks
