
An AccessLevel object is associated with users, and describes the set of AccessLevelPermissions that determine what the user can access.

For more information on access levels, see How access levels work.

Direct Fields
  • Description

    Added the validator MAX_LENGTH, which specifies that the length of the description is no more than 4000 characters.

A BreadCrumb object represents an element in the parent/child hierarchy of a Workfront work item. Breadcrumbs indicate how a work item fits into the greater structure of Portfolios, Projects, Projects, and Tasks.

For more information on breadcrumbs, see Breadcrumbs overview in the new Adobe Workfront experience

Direct Fields


A BurndownEvent object represents an object that changes the bundown of an iteration.

For more information on burndown, see Burndown.

Direct Fields

The following fields removed the flag NOT_GROUPABLE

  • applyDate

  • entryDate


A CustomerPreferences object represents the set of preferences that a customer has set for their instance of Workfront.

Direct Fields
  • name

    Added possible values:

    • password:aemAPIKey (config.general.aem.apikey)
    • password:aemAADomain (config.general.aem.aadomain)
    • password:aemIntegrationEnabled (config.general.aem.enabled)
    • password:aemHost (
    • timesheet:default.timesheet.restrict.timesheet.edit.owners.admins (config.timesheet.restrict.timesheet.edit.owners.admins)

The following actions were added to the CustomerPreferences resource.

  • getTimesheetPreferences

  • setTimesheetPreferences

    Takes the argument:

    • preferences (map)


A DocumentVersion object represents a specific version of a file (such as written material, images, or other forms of information).

For more information about document versions, see Upload a new version of a document.

Direct Fields
  • externalIntegrationType

    Added possible value:

    • AEM (Adobe Experience Manager)
  • proofID

    Added flag NOT_FILTERABLE


A Group object represents a set of users and teams. Groups often represent departmental structure.

For more information on groups, see Groups vs. teams in Adobe Workfront.

  • getParents

    This action returns an array of the group's parent groups (groups that the given group is a subgroup of).


The JournalEntry object can be set up to log information about specific object fields any time those fields are modified. When a field is set up to be logged as a part of the Journal Entry object, a corresponding Journal Entry will be created every time that field is modified.

The JournalEntry resource added the flag REPORTABLE.

Direct Fields

The following fields removed the flag NOT_GROUPABLE:

  • changeType

  • entryDate

  • fieldName

  • objObjCode

The following fields added the flag NOT_FILTERABLE:

  • subObjCode

  • subObjID

  • topObjCode

  • topObjID


Adobe Workfront administrators or group administrators can create templates to customize the layout elements in Adobe Workfront. The LayoutTemplate object is specific to Adobe Workfront Classic.

For the object that represents layout templates in the new Adobe Workfront experience, see UITemplate

Direct Fields
  • Description

    Added the validator MAX_LENGTH, which specifies that the length of the description is no more than 4000 characters.


A LinkedFolder object represents a folder linked from an external document provider, such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

For more information on Linked Folders, see Link documents from external applications.

Direct Fields
  • externalIntegrationType

    Added possible value:

    • AEM (Adobe Experience Manager)


An OpTask object is commonly known as an Issue. An issue is a work item that usually indicates that there is a problem preventing the completion of a task or project. An Issue can also be a Help Desk request. Change Orders, Requests, and Bugs are also Issues.

Search Fields
  • favoritedByUsersMM


Projects are work items within Workfront, and are a main building block in the way Workfront helps people to do work. A Project object represents a group of tasks with a common, specific goal.

Direct Fields


A ProofApproval object represents an approval that is directly connected to a proof.

Direct Fields

The following fields were added to the ProofApproval resource.

  • approverStage

  • DecisionDate

  • workflowTemplate


A QueueDef object represents a Queue, which is a Project that has been published to the Help Desk area to allow users to submit Issues to it.

For more information on Request Queues, see Create a Request Queue.

Direct Fields
  • documentPosition

    Added. Possible values are:

    • 0 (After custom forms)

    • 1 (Before custom forms)


A Task object represents a work item that must be performed as a step toward achieving a final goal (completing a Project).

Search Fields
  • favoritedByUsersMM


A Team object is a collection of Users that can be assigned to a work item.

Direct Fields
  • isActive

    This field was added, and is a boolean parameter that has a value of true if an object is active and false if it is not. Objects that are set to Active appear in drop-down menus and type-ahead fields and can be attached to other objects. Objects not set to Active are not visible in drop-down menus and type-ahead fields to attach to other objects.

Default Fields
  • isActive



A Timesheet object represents a virtual timecard that allows Users to enter actual hours worked for Tasks, Projects, and overhead Hour Types.

Direct Fields
  • isOvertimeDisabled


Core Fields
  • objCode



A Timesheet object represents a virtual timecard that allows Users to enter actual hours worked for Tasks, Projects, and overhead Hour Types.

Direct Fields
  • isOvertimeDisabled


Default Fields
  • isOvertimeDisabled



Adobe Workfront administrators or group administrators can create templates to customize the layout elements in Adobe Workfront. The UITemplate object is specific to the new Adobe Workfront experience.

For the object that represents layout templates in Adobe Workfront Classic, see LayoutTemplate.


The following actions were added to the UITemplate resource.

  • migrateCustomersAllLayoutTemplates

    Takes the argument:

    • overrideIfExists (boolean)
  • migrateLayoutTemplates

    Takes the arguments:

    • layoutTemplateIDs (string[])

    • overrideIfExists (boolean)


A UserDelegation object represents the act of delegating work from one user to another for a specific period of time.

The UserDelegation object added the flag REPORTABLE.

Direct Fields

The following fields removed the flag NOT_GROUPABLE

  • endDate

  • startDate

Default Fields

The following fields were added:

  • endDate

  • startDate


A Work object is a common interface that both Task and OpTask inherit, and shares common code between the two.

Search Fields
  • favoritedByUsersMM


Learn: Automating Workflows with Workfront Fusion - Unique Use Cases in Action


Tuesday, Mar 4, 6:00 PM UTC

Looking for creative ways to use Workfront Fusion to solve business challenges? Join Pan Shahbazian of Starbucks as she shares three unique use cases that can transform your workflows.


The Perfect Blend: A New Era of Collaboration with AEM and Workfront

Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Wednesday, Apr 2, 5:00 PM UTC

Explore how Adobe Experience Manager and Workfront integrate to help teams move from ideation to delivery without the usual bottlenecks, ensuring content is organized, on-brand, and ready to go live faster.


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