Manually update task status

You can update the task status in the following areas of Workfront:

  • The task header on the task page.
  • The Edit task box, when editing a task.
  • The Task Details section on the task page.
  • In a task list or report, when the Status field is visible in the view.
  • In the Summary panel of the task.

To manually update the task status in the task header:

  1. Go to an task for which you want to update the status.

  2. Click the Status field in the task header and select a new status.

  3. To provide a visual indication of task completion, drag or double-click the bubble under Percent Complete in the header of the task


    Click inside the bubble in the header of the task to enter a percentage.

  4. (Optional) Do any of the following to provide additional information about the update:

    • To add a note about the update, go to the Updates section and click New comment, then type a note.

    • To notify certain users about the update, type their names in the Tag people or teams field that appears when you type a comment. For more information, see Tag others on updates.

    • To update the Commit Date of the task, click Task Details, then edit the Commit Date field. For information, see Edit tasks.

    Only task assignees can update the Commit Date.

Automatically update task status

Workfront automatically updates the existing status of a task to a different status when the actions listed in the table below occur.

The statuses in the following table are default system statuses. Your Workfront administrator or a group administrator can rename the statuses in your instance of Workfront. For information about creating and managing statuses in Workfront, see Create or edit a status.
ActionOriginal StatusNew Status
Update the task percent complete to 100%New or In ProgressComplete
Update the task percent complete from 100% to a lower numberCompleteIn Progress
Click the Start Task button to accept working on a task assigned to youNew

Any status associated with the Start Task button in your Home Team settings.

For information about replacing the Work On It button with a Start Task button, see Replace the Work On It button with a Start button.

Tip: Clicking the Undo buttonafter clicking Start Task reverts the status to New.

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