
  1. Begin editing a portfolio as described above.

  2. Click Overview and specify the following fields:


    Update the name of the portfolio.

    Tip: This is not available when you selected more than one portfolio.

    DescriptionType a description for the Portfolio to indicate what is unique about it.
    Portfolio Manager

    Start typing the name of a user that you want to indicate as the portfolio manager, then select it when it appears in the list. This is the same as the Portfolio Owner. This is the person who can oversee the work defined in the projects of the portfolio and can approve the Business Case.

    Important: When you designate someone as the Portfolio Manager, they automatically gain Manage permissions to the portfolio, the programs and the projects in the portfolio.

    Tip: You can quickly update the portfolio manager in the portfolio header.


    Add the name of a single group if the group is associated with the portfolio or has responsibility for completing it.


    When accessing the Group field from the Portfolio Details page, do the following:

    You can make sure you are selecting the right group by hovering over it and clicking the information icon that displays next to it. This displays a tooltip listing information about the group, such as the hierarchy of groups above it and its administrators.

    This option is not available in the Edit Portfolio box.

    Alignment ScorecardSelect the alignment scorecard that you want to use from the drop-down list. A scorecard is used to measure how well a project aligns with the established criteria of a Portfolio often reflecting an organization's mission, values, and strategic goals. For more information, see Apply a scorecard to a project and generate an Alignment Score and Create a scorecard.
    Is ActiveSelect this checkbox if you want the portfolio to be active. Other users can find active portfolios and attach them to projects when creating or editing projects. Inactive portfolios cannot be attached to projects. This is enabled by default.
  3. Click Save Changes or continue editing the following sections.

Custom Forms

  1. Begin editing the portfolio as described above.

  2. Click the Add Forms drop-down menu to select a custom forms and add it to the portfolio.

    You must create portfolio custom forms before they are available to add.

    Depending on how your Workfront administrator set the permissions for the sections in your custom form, not everyone can view or edit the same fields on a given custom form. The permissions to edit fields within a section of a custom form depend on the permissions you have on the portfolio itself. For information about setting permissions on sections of a custom form, see Create a custom form.
  3. Update any fields in the custom forms, then click Save Changes or continue with the following section.


  1. Begin editing a portfolio as described above.

  2. Click Comment.

    Edit portfolio comment box

  3. Add a comment in the Post an update to the portfolio field.

  4. (Optional) Click the People icon to add a user or a team to the comment.

  5. (Optional) Click the Lock icon to lock the comment and make it private to only users in your company.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Previous pageDelete and deactivate portfolios
Next pageAdd projects to a portfolio


Learn: Automating Workflows with Workfront Fusion - Unique Use Cases in Action


Tuesday, Mar 4, 6:00 PM UTC

Looking for creative ways to use Workfront Fusion to solve business challenges? Join Pan Shahbazian of Starbucks as she shares three unique use cases that can transform your workflows.


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