Built-in access levels
Each of the six current built-in access levels is designed for a particular type of user. These access levels let you control what users can edit and view in the system.
Each of the six built-in access levels are designed for the following types of users:
- System Administrator
- Planner
- Worker
- Reviewer
- Requestor
- External User
Depending on the access level, up to 3 settings are available for most of the Workfront object types:
If you need a custom Planner, Worker, Requester, or Reviewer access level, you can copy the built-in access level and determine the amount of access you want it to allow for the various Workfront object types.
For information on creating a custom access level or modifying one of the built-in access levels, see Create and modify custom access levels.
For general information about these access levels, see Access levels overview.
System Administrator access level
Attached to the Plan license, the built-in System Administrator access level is designed for a user who is in charge of administering the Adobe Workfront system. You cannot modify this built-in access level.
Users with the System Administrator access level can do everything in Workfront. They can view and edit all Workfront objects and information entered in Workfront by all other users.
They also have full access to the Setup area, where they can change any setting at the system level. And they can access all areas in the Main Menu
For more information, see Grant a user full administrative access.
Planner access level
Also attached to the Plan license, the Planner access level is designed for:
- Managers of groups, teams, projects, and resources
- Anyone who is responsible for planning, creating, and managing tasks, projects, portfolios, and programs
- Anyone who is responsible for assigning work (tasks and issues) to other users
- Users who build reports and who approve timesheets, work items, and documents
- Users who need access to all areas in the Main Menu
You can create a custom version of the Planner built-in access level and determine the amount of access it allows for the various Workfront object types. For more information, see Create and modify custom access levels.
The following are the highest access settings available for objects in the Planner access level:
Worker access level
Attached to the Work license, the Worker access level is designed for users who perform the work in Workfront. They do not plan the work; they complete it.
Users with this access level:
- Are assigned to work items where they can contribute and log time
- Can approve work and documents, but not timesheets
- Can access and share reports
- Can communicate with other users in the system
- Cannot access all the areas in the Main Menu
- Have limited ability to create objects—they can’t create projects, portfolios, programs, or reports.
You can create a custom version of the Worker built-in access level and determine the amount of access it allows for the various Workfront object types. For more information, see Create and modify custom access levels.
The following are the highest access settings available for objects in the Worker access level:
Reviewer access level
Attached to the Review license, the Reviewer access level is designed for executives who request work from other users and who review and approve work. These are not project owners or team members, but they need access to Workfront to see the work items that they oversee.
For example, a stakeholder with this access level could log in to Workfront to participate in an ongoing review of marketing materials, see work updates on work, and review documents, approvals, reports, and calendars.
Users with the Reviewer access level:
- Cannot be assigned work items or approve timesheets
- Can access the Requests and Documents areas in the Main Menu
- Have limited ability to create objects—they can’t create projects, portfolios, programs, or reports.
You can create a custom version of the Reviewer built-in access level and determine the amount of access it allows for the various Workfront object types. For more information, see Create and modify custom access levels.
More limited for projects and tasks than the Worker access level, the following are the highest access settings available for objects in the Reviewer access level:
Requestor access level
Attached to the Request license, the Requestor access level is designed for users who make and receive simple work requests in Workfront. By default, they are limited to the Requests area.
For example, a user can log issues to your organization’s help desk request queue.
Users with this access level:
- Can make requests and update those requests
- Can upload and approve documents
- Can review the status of issues they have submitted
- Cannot be assigned to work items
- Can access requests only from the Requests area in Main Menu
You can create a custom version of the Requester built-in access level and determine the amount of access it allows for the various Workfront object types. For more information, see Create and modify custom access levels.
The following are the highest access settings available for objects in the Requestor access level:
External User access level
The External User access level is not attached to a paid Workfront license. It is the most restrictive access level, designed primarily for collaborators such as external consultants who don’t log into Workfront, but need to review, download, or view documents occasionally.
Workfront users can assign tasks to external users even though external users can’t log in to the system. However, we do not recommend assigning tasks and issues to External Users, because that work would remain unresolved in the system.
Users with the External User access level:
- Can view only documents and calendar reports that are shared with them
- Can see the users who share documents and calendar reports with them
- Can approve the documents that are shared with them
You cannot modify this access level.
Although these settings are not visible in the Access Levels area for the External User access level, a user with this access has the following highest access to the Workfront object types: