22.2 Home enhancements

This page describes all Home enhancements made with the 22.2 release to the Preview environment. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment

the week of April 4, 2022.

For a list of all changes available with the 22.2 release, see 22.2 Release overview.

Improvements to filters in the Home Work List

To give more control and focus over your work list, we have implemented several improvements to the filters in the Home area. With the new improvements, you can select filters by object type and further narrow down your results by the state of your work items (for example, Ready to Start, Working On, or Requested). The new Home filters now provide a correct count of tasks, issues, personal work items, and approvals when you apply a combination of object type and work item state filters.

Prior to this experience, the filters in the Home area did not provide an accurate count of the number of work items in the list when you selected one or more filters and they created confusion about the state of the work items.

For more information, see Display items in the Work List in the Home area.
