Assign work in the Workload Balancer by dragging and dropping

You can assign work items using the Adobe Workfront Workload Balancer by dragging and dropping work items to the correct users.

For general information about assigning work to users using the Workload Balancer, see Overview of assigning work in the Workload Balancer.

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Adobe Workfront plan Any
Adobe Workfront license

New: Standard


Current: Plan, to assign work in the Workload Balancer in the Resourcing area;
Work, to assign work in the Workload Balancer of a team or project

Access level configurations

Edit access to the following:

  • Resource Management
  • Projects
  • Tasks
  • Issues
Object permissions Contribute permissions or higher to the projects, tasks, and issues that include Make Assignments

For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Assign an item by dragging and dropping

You can assign an item from the Unassigned Work area to a user, or you can reassign an already assigned item to another user in the Assigned Work area.

  1. Go to the Workload Balancer where you want to assign work.

    You can assign work to users using the Workload Balancer in the Resourcing area, at the project, or at the team level. For more information about where the Workload Balancer is located in Workfront, see Locate the Workload Balancer.

  2. (Optional) Go to the Unassigned Work area and apply a filter to view tasks and issues that are not assigned to users


    Go to the Assigned Work area and expand the name of a user to view the work items assigned to them, if you want to reassign their items.

  3. (Conditional) In the Workload Balancer of a project, click the Show all users icon to display all Workfront users.

    This displays all users that you have access to view.

    The users who are also part of the project team and are already assigned to items on the project have the project icon to the right of their name in the Assigned Work area.

    note tip
    • The Show all users option is available only in the Workload Balancer of a project.
    • Use filters to display only the users that are important to you. For example, use a filter to display only users from your teams or groups.
  4. Click the bar of a work item that indicates either the planned or the projected timeline and drag it over the name of a user in the Assigned area.

    The user you hover over to drop the work item to is highlighted.

    note tip
    The Planned Hours for the user you’re hovering over update in real time with the number of daily Planned Hours from the work item, to indicate what the impact of adding a new item might be to their overall allocation.

  5. When you are ready, drop the selected work item in the same line as the user’s name in the Assigned Area. The item is assigned and the allocated Planned Hours are updated for the user with the new hours from the work item.

    If the item was assigned to a job role that the user cannot fulfill, the item displays under the user’s name in the Assigned Work area and it also remains in the Unassigned Work area to indicate that the job role associated with it has not been replaced by a user yet.

    note tip
    • If you enabled Group by Project in the Settings area, the assigned task displays under the corresponding project. If the setting is disabled, the assigned task displays in the user area.

      The item displays according to the Workload Balancer criteria for sorting work items. For more information, see Navigate the Workload Balancer.

    • If you enabled Show all users in the Workload Balancer of a project and assigned items to users who were not previously assigned to items on the project, the users are added to the Project Team. For more information, see Manage project team.

  6. (Optional) Click the bar of a work item under the name of a user in the Assigned Work area and drag it then drop it over the Unassigned Work area to unassign it. The item is unassigned from the user, but it might still be assigned to a job role in which case it displays in the Unassigned Work area. If the item is assigned to another user, it remains in the Assigned Work area under the name of the user who is still assigned.

  7. (Optional) Click the Show allocations icon , then click the More menu > Edit allocations.


    Double-click a daily or weekly allocation to modify the amount of time the user is allocated to the work item.

    For information about modifying user allocations in the Workload Balancer, see the “Modify user allocations” section in the article Manage user allocations in the Workload Balancer.

    For information about removing assignments from a work item using the Workload Balancer, see Unassign work in the Workload Balancer.
