Access the Workload Balancer in predefined areas

The following sections illustrate where you can access the Workload Balancer within Workfront.

Access the Workload Balancer for multiple projects in the Resourcing area

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Resourcing.

  2. Click Workload Balancer in the left panel.

    Workload Balancer

    The Workload Balancer displays the following by information in the Resourcing area, by default:

    • Unassigned Work: No unassigned work items.

    • Assigned Work: All active users in the system.

      We recommend using filters when displaying users in the Assigned Work area. For more information, see Filter information in the Workload Balancer.

Access the Workload Balancer for a team

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Teams.

    Your Home Team’s page displays.

  2. Click Workload Balancer in the left panel.

    Workload Balancer for team

    The Workload Balancer of a team displays the following information, by default:

    • Unassigned Work: Items assigned to the team and not assigned to users.

    • Assigned Work: All members of the team with all their assignments.

      Team members might be assigned to work also assigned to the team or to work assigned to other teams or roles.

Access the Workload Balancer for a project

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Projects.

  2. Click the name of a project to open the project page.

  3. Click Workload Balancer in the left panel. You might have to click Show More, then Workload Balancer.

    The Workload Balancer for the project displays.

    Workload Balancer for Project

    The Workload Balancer of a project displays the following by information, by default:

    • Unassigned Work: Items from the project that are assigned to job roles or teams and are not assigned to users.

    • Assigned Work: Users assigned to items on the project.

      You can display all users in the system instead of only the ones on the project (in the Assigned Work area) by enabling the Show all users option. For information, see Navigate the Workload Balancer.

Add the Workload Balancer to a custom section

You can add the Workload Balancer to any custom section.

Most customizations that you have already applied to the Workload Balancer are preserved when adding it to a custom section.

  1. Access the Workload Balancer by going to any of the following areas:

    • The Resourcing area
    • A team
    • A project
  2. Obtain a shareable link and copy it to your clipboard as described in Share the Workload Balancer with a link.

  3. Create a dashboard with an external page as described in Embed an external web page in a dashboard. Use the shareable link you obtained in Step 2 for the external page.

  4. Create a custom section as described in Create custom tabs or sections to place the dashboard on the custom tab.

    When accessing the Workload Balancer from the custom section, you can view it as if you were accessing it directly from one of its original areas listed in Step 1.

  5. (Optional) Share the custom tab in a Layout Template as described in Customize the left panel using a layout template .

Previous pageAccess needed to manage resources in the Workload Balancer
Next pageOverview of assigning work in the Workload Balancer
