Add a comment to a work item in the My Work widget
You can provide updates on any work item in the My Work widget:
Click the Main Menu
(Conditional) Click Customize to add the My Work widget.
Locate the work item that you want to update in the My Work widget.
Hover over the name, then click the Add new update icon.
Begin typing your comment.
(Optional) In the Tag people or teams box, start typing the name or the email of a user, or a team that you would like to include in this comment, then select it when it displays in the list.
(Optional) Use the options in the Rich Text toolbar to format your text, add emojis, links, or images to your comment, to enhance your content.
Click Submit to add the comment to the work item.
You can edit your comment only within 15 minutes from submitting it. To edit a comment, click the More menu in the upper-right corner of the comment, then click Edit.For more detailed information about adding updates, see Update work.
Add a comment to an item in the Mentions widget
Add the Mentions widget to your Home area.
Locate the item that you were included in an update for and which you want to reply to.
Click Reply.
Begin typing your comment.
(Optional) In the Tag people box, start typing the name of a user or a team that you would like to include in this comment, then select it when it displays in the list.
(Optional) Use the options in the Rich Text toolbar to format your text, add emojis, links, or images to your comment, to enhance your content.
Click Submit to add the comment to the work item.
You can edit your comment only within 15 minutes from submitting it. To edit a comment, click the More menu in the upper-right corner of the comment, then click Edit.For more detailed information about adding updates, see Update work.
Edit a work item
You can edit any field on any work item that you have access to edit.
Click the Main Menu
(Conditional) Click Customize to add the My Work widget.
Hover over the work item, then click the Summary icon.
In the Summary panel, hover over the field you want to edit.
If you have rights to edit the field, the field is highlighted as you hover over it. -
Click the field that you want to edit, then make your desired update.
Click away from the field to save your changes.