Edit workspaces

The information in this article refers to Adobe Workfront Planning, an additional capability from Adobe Workfront.
You must have the following to access Workfront Planning:
  • A new Workfront package and license. Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront packages or licenses.
  • A Workfront Planning package.
  • Your organization’s instance of Workfront must be onboarded to the Adobe Unified Experience.
For a complete list of requirements to access Workfront Planning, see Access overview.
For more information about Workfront Planning, see Adobe Workfront Planning overview.

In Adobe Workfront Planning, workspaces are centralized locations for teams to plan work.

A workspace is a collection of record types used by a team and represents the team’s work lifecycle. You can fully customize workspaces in Adobe Workfront Planning.

For information about creating workspaces, see Create workspaces.

All changes you make to a workspace are visible to all those who have at least View permissions to the workspace.

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements..

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

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  • Adobe Workfront

  • Adobe Workfront Planning

Adobe Workfront plan*

Any of the following Workfront plans:

  • Select
  • Prime
  • Ultimate

Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront plans

Adobe Workfront Planning package*


For more information about what is included in each Workfront Planning plan, contact your Workfront account manager.

Adobe Workfront platform

Your organization's instance of Workfront must be onboarded to the Adobe Unified Experience to be able to access all the capabilities of Workfront Planning.

For more information, see Adobe Unified Experience for Workfront.

Adobe Workfront license*


Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront licenses

Access level configuration There are no access level controls for Adobe Workfront Planning
Object permissions Manage permissions to the workspace
Layout template All users, including Workfront administrators, must be assigned a layout template that includes the Planning area in the Main Menu.

*For more information about Workfront access requirements, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Edit a workspace

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Planning.

    The Workfront Planning landing page opens.

  2. (Optional and conditional) If you are a Workfront administrator, click one of the following tabs:

    • My workspaces: Displays workspaces you created.
    • Other workspaces: Displays all workspaces in Workfront Planning, including the ones shared with you.

    For all other users, all workspaces you created or are shared with you display in the Workspaces area.

  3. (Conditional) If you are a Workfront administrator, click Workspaces I’m on to access workspaces you created, or Other workspaces to access workspaces others shared with you.

  1. (Optional) Click Show all to display additional workspaces. The Show all link displays only when you have more than two rows of workspace cards.

  2. (Optional) ClicK Show less to limit the number of workspaces that display on the screen.

  3. To edit a workspace, do one of the following:

    • Hover over the workspace card, then click the More menu in the upper-right corner of the card
    • Click a workspace card to open the workspace, then click the More menu to the right of the workspace name.
  4. Click Edit.

    The Edit workspace box displays.

  5. Update the following information in the Edit workspace box:

    • Add a name for the workspace.
    • Description: Add information about the workspace.
    • Select an icon to associate with the workspace.
  6. Click Save to close the Edit workspace box and apply your changes.

  7. (Optional) To add a new workspace section, do one of the following:

    • Click Add section at the bottom of the workspace.
    • Hover over the name of a section and click the More menu , then click Add section above or Add section below.
  8. (Optional) To change the location of a section, do one of the following:

    • Hover over the name of a section and click the grab icon , then drag and drop it in the right spot.
    • Hover over the name of a section and click the More menu , then click Move up or Move down. The section moves up or down inside the workspace.
  9. (Optional) To delete a workspace section, do the following:

    1. Hover over the name of a section, then click the More menu , then click Delete.

    2. Select a new section to move all record types to it, then click Delete.

      All record types are moved to the selection section, and the section is deleted.

  10. (Optional) Click Add record type to add record types to the workspace.

    For information, see Create record types.

  11. (Optional) Hover over a record type card, click the More menu in the upper-right corner, then click Edit to modify the appearance of a record type.

    For information, see Edit record types.

  12. (Optional) Hover over a record type card, click the More menu in the upper-right corner, then click Delete to delete a record type.

    For information, see Delete record types.

  13. (Optional) Press-click a record type card to drag it and drop it in a new spot. You can drag and drop record types from one workspace section to another.

  14. (Optional) Click Share in the upper-right corner of the workspace to share the workspace with others.

    For information, see Share workspaces.
