Group similar work items together with the Sort By option

Use the Sort by option to group similar items in the Work List. You can sort by:

  • Due Date
  • Name
  • Project Name
  • My Priority

Narrow your focus with filters

Use the Filter to narrow your focus to specific work items. There are a couple of ways to use the filter:

The first is filtering based solely on work item type or attributes:

  • Work item: Tasks, Subtasks, Issues, or Personal tasks
  • Work item state: Working On, Ready to Start, or Not Ready

The second is filtering using work item and work item state together. For example, you can select Tasks and Ready to Start to find all of the tasks in your work list that are ready for work.

You can also use Field Match to search for a specific item within your filter set.

Search for your work

Use the Search bar to locate projects, tasks, issues, and documents you need.

  • See recent items: You can view up to 5 of your most recent work items accessed through either the desktop or plugin versions of Workfront.
  • Locate pinned items: You can access projects, tasks, issues, and documents you've pinned in the new Adobe Workfront experience.
  • Find your favorites: You can see any project, task, issue, or document you saved as a favorite.

Use the Menu to navigate projects

You can use the Menu icon to navigate to parent items in a project.

Return to Work List
