Manage Adobe Workfront notifications in Microsoft Teams

The Adobe Workfront for Microsoft Teams integration is currently supported only for the classic Microsoft Teams experience.

You can receive notifications from Adobe Workfront about items you need to approve, assignments you’ve been given, or comments and changes to items you’re associated with.

These notifications contain Workfront actions that you can take within Microsoft Teams without navigating away from Microsoft Teams to accomplish them.

Microsoft Teams no longer supports Internet Explorer. To use the Adobe Workfront for Microsoft Teams integration, you must use a web browser other than Internet Explorer.

Access requirements

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Adobe Workfront license*
Work, Plan

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

Prerequisites for Receiving Workfront Notifications in Microsoft Teams

You can receive Workfront notifications in Microsoft Teams if the following conditions are met:

  • A team owner has installed and configured Workfront for Microsoft Teams for your team.
  • You are logged into Workfront from Microsoft Teams.
  • You have enabled instant notifications in Workfront. For information on enabling instant notifications, see Modify your own email notifications.

For information about installing Workfront for Microsoft Teams and logging in to Workfront from Microsoft Teams, see Install Adobe Workfront for Microsoft Teams.

Managing Workfront Notifications in Microsoft Teams

When the Workfront for Microsoft Teams app is installed, a Workfront chat channel is created in Microsoft Teams for every member of that team. When an certain action is performed in Workfront, you can configure the settings for Workfront for Microsoft Teams to receive notifications about that action in the Workfront chat channel of Microsoft Teams.

Consider the following when working with Workfront notifications from Microsoft Teams:

  • You cannot receive all, but only a select number of Workfront notifications in Microsoft Teams.

  • All notifications you receive from Workfront appear in the Workfront bot chat channel.

    For information on installing the Workfront bot channel, see the Logging in to Workfront from Microsoft Teams section in Installing Workfront for Microsoft Teams article.

  • There can be up to a 5 minute delay between the time when an update is made in Workfront and when you receive the notification about it in Microsoft Teams.

  • For each Microsoft Teams notification, you also receive an email notification.

To manage the Workfront notifications that you can receive in Microsoft Teams:

  1. Click the More added (three-dot) apps icon on the left navigation bar in Microsoft Teams.

  2. Click Workfront in the list that appears.

  3. Select the Settings tab.

    MS Teams settings tab

  4. Disable any of the notifications that you do not want to receive. You can enable or disable groups of notifications, such as information or approval notifications, or you can manage notifications individually.

    All notifications are enabled by default.

    The notifications settings for Workfront for Microsoft Teams are saved automatically.

    note note
    You cannot add more notifications to the ones that are available by default.

Responding to Workfront Notifications and Approval Requests in Microsoft Teams

  1. Log in to Workfront from Microsoft Teams.
    For information about logging in to Workfront, see Install Adobe Workfront for Microsoft Teams.

  2. Go to the Chat area and click the Workfront bot channel.
    This channel is for your personal chat with the Workfront bot. All Workfront notifications display here.

  3. Depending on what type of notification you receive, proceed to the relevant section:

Approval notifications approval-notifications

You receive approval notifications when you are asked to approve an object, such as a task, timesheet, or proof. You can still comment on the notification, however.From the approval notification, you can perform the following actions:

  • Approve: Click to approve the item.
  • Change: Click to approve the item with changes.
  • Reject: Click to reject the item.
  • Comment: Click to make a comment. Your comment also appears in Workfront as an update to the object that the notification is about.
  • Go to Proof: Click to open the proof. You can then make a decision directly in the proof. For more information, see Make a decision on a proof in the proofing viewer.
Once you have made an approval decision, you can not change it from the notification.

Actions available on specific approval notifications:

Go to Proof
You need to approve a project
You need to approve a task
You need to approve an issue
You need to approve a document
You need to approve access to an object
You need to approve a timesheet
Someone wants you to approve this proof
Your timesheet is rejected
Your timesheet is re-opened
A document approval request that you requested is approved
A document approval request that you requested is approved with changes
A document approval request that you requested is rejected
Your timesheet is approved

Assignment notifications assignment-notifications

You receive assignment notifications when you, or a team you are on, are assigned to a task or issue in Workfront. From the assignment notification, you can perform the following actions:

  • Work on it: Select to commit to work on the item. A notification displays briefly to confirm that a new item was added to your work list.
  • View in Workfront: Select to view the assigned issue or task in Workfront, which opens a new tab.
  • Start: Click to start work on the item. A notification displays briefly to confirm that a new item was added to your work list.
  • Comment: Click to make a comment on the item. Your comment also appears in the item’s update stream in Workfront.
  • Status: Click, then select the new status for the work item from the drop-down menu.

Actions available on specific assignment notifications:

You are assigned to a task
You are assigned to an issue
A team to which you are assigned receives a work request for a task
A team to which you are assigned receives a work request for an issue

Comment notifications comment-notifications

You receive a communication notification when someone comments on an item you are associated with, or includes you in an update. From the communication notification, you can perform the following actions:

  • Reply: Click to reply to the comment or update. Your reply also appears in the update stream where the comment appears in Workfront.
  • View in Workfront: Select to view the comment and the item in Workfront, which is opened in a new tab.
  • Status: Click, then select a new status for the work item that the comment or update is about.

Actions available on specific communication notifications:

A comment is posted on your request
A reply is posted on your work request
Someone comments on a thread you are in
Someone comments on one of your work items
Someone comments on a timesheet you approve
A comment is added on your user profile page or by bulk editing multiple users
A comment is added on one of your updates
A comment is added on your timesheet

Update notifications update-notifications

You receive an information notification when there is an update to an item you are associated with, but you do not need to take any action on the item. From the information notification, you can perform the following actions:

  • Reply: Click to reply to the update. Your reply also appears in the item’s update stream in Workfront.
  • View in Workfront: Select to view the comment and the item in Workfront, which is opened in a new tab.
  • Status: Click, then select the new status for the item from the drop-down menu.

Actions available on specific information notifications:

An update is made to a task, issue or project you are subscribed to
Someone includes you on a directed update
Someone includes your team on a directed update

Date Change notifications date-change-notifications

You receive a date change notification when the date changes on a work item you are assigned to. From the date change notification, you can perform the following actions.

  • Comment: Click to make a comment on the item. Your comment also appears in the item’s update stream in Workfront.
  • Status: Click, then select the new status for the work item from the drop-down menu.
The due date changes on a task you are assigned to