
You can create personal tasks in Adobe Workfront from Microsoft Teams if the following conditions are met:

  • A team owner has installed and configured Workfront for Microsoft Teams for your team.
  • You are logged into Workfront from Microsoft Teams.

Access Workfront from the Workfront bot chat channel

You must be logged in to Workfront.

  1. Open the Workfront bot chat channel.

  2. Click the Workfront icon underneath the text field to display the search box.


  3. Start typing the name of a project, task, or issue.

    For information about searching for items, see the section Search for and share Adobe Workfront items in Microsoft Teams in the article Search for and share Adobe Workfront items in Microsoft Teams.

  4. Click the Type your questions here field.


  5. Do one of the following:

    • Click What can I do?, then Log in or Log out of Workfront, create a New task (personal task) in Workfront, or get Help by listing available commands.

    • Access Workfront directly by typing a command in the Type your questions here field.

      Commands are not case sensitive.

      The Workfront bot responds with your request in the Workfront bot chat channel.

Access Workfront from a team channel

You must be logged in to Workfront.

  1. Open a team channel and type @Workfront, then select Workfront.

  2. Click Search to search for a project, task, or issue.

    For information about searching for items, see the Search for and share Adobe Workfront items in Microsoft Teams section in the Search for and share Adobe Workfront items in Microsoft Teams article.

  3. Type any of the following commands to perform these actions in Workfront.
    Commands are not case sensitive:

    • Log in to log in to Workfront

    • Log out to log out of Workfront

    • New task to create a new personal task

      For information about creating tasks from Microsoft Teams, see Create Adobe Workfront tasks from Microsoft Teams.

    • Help to view a list of all available commands.

      The Workfront bot responds with your request in the Workfront bot chat channel.

  4. Go to the Workfront bot chat channel to access Workfront and complete your request.

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