21.3 Administrator enhancements

This page describes all Administrator enhancements made with the 21.3 release to the Preview environment. These enhancements were made available in the Production environment the week of July 21, 2021.

For a list of all changes available with the 21.3 release, see 21.3 Release overview.

Blueprints available in Production with the 21.3 release

The blueprints functionality will be generally available with the 21.3 Production release the week of June 21, 2021.

Blueprints provides basic building blocks to help you create a work management system that grows with you. System administrators can browse the blueprints catalog and install ready-to-use project templates.

For more information, see Blueprints overview.

This feature is now included in the Project templates in the new Workfront experience learning path on Workfront One.

New for group administrators: Create and manage statuses for a group at any level

To make it easier for all levels of an organization to manage and control their workflows independently, we’ve introduced the ability to create and manage statuses for subgroups. Now, from the Groups section in Setup, you can do the following for groups you administer on any level:

  • Create, edit, delete, and hide a status for a group
  • Lock a status for any group so that all lower subgroups below it can use it in the same way
  • Unlock a status for any group so that administrators of lower subgroups can customize it to meet their unique needs
  • Set a group status as a default status
  • Reorder and hide the display of group statuses on objects

Workfront administrators can also do these things (for all groups).

Previously, this functionality was available only for top-level groups.

For more information, see Manage group statuses.

New for administrators: Create a billing record custom form

Now you can improve how users capture billing information by creating a billing record custom form. Users can attach the custom form to a billing record, fill it out, and run reports that include the information in the form.
