View a list of all versions of a document

  1. In the Summary, scroll to the view the All Versions section. Here you can view all of the versions of the document.

View and manage details for a previous document version

  1. Near the top of the Document Details page, click the drop-down menu next to the name, then click the name of the version you want to view and manage.

    Along with viewing the version’s Details, you can make changes to the version, such as its name, metadata, and proofing settings (if it’s a document proof).

Download a single document version

  1. In the Summary, under Versions, click the click the More menu to the right of the version, then click Download in the drop-down list that appears.

Download all versions of a document

  1. Click Document Details, then select All Versions in the left panel.

  2. Click Download All at the top of the list.

Delete a document version

If you upload a version of a document by mistake, or a version is no longer needed, you can delete the version and maintain the original document.

You can’t recover a document version that you delete individually.

Keep the following in mind when you consider deleting a document version:

  • Only one version can be deleted at a time. If a version is deleted, this action appears in the Updates on the document .
  • If you upload a new version after deleting a version, the new version receives the next sequential number. For example, if there are 3 versions of a document and you delete version 3, the next document uploaded will be version 4.
  • System updates and comments made on a version are retained in Workfront after the version is deleted.

To delete a document version:

  1. Go to the project, task, or issue that contains the document, then select Documents.Find the document you need.

  2. In the Version area in the Summary, click the version, then click Delete in the drop-down list that appears. The Delete option is visible only if there are at least two versions.

    If the document is linked to an outside source, that link is deleted and the document is no longer accessible through Workfront.

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