Internal Then External Review in Workfront Proof

This article refers to functionality in the standalone product Workfront Proof. For information on proofing inside Adobe Workfront, see Proofing.

If your organization completes internal reviews before sharing proofs with clients, we suggest two ways you can use Workfront Proof to enhance your workflow:

Clients See Internal Comments

This option illustrates a workflow where clients can see all internal comments.

The designer shares the proof with the Project Manager (and any other colleagues) first. Colleagues review the proof and, if they approve it, you can use the share function to share the proof with your clients. For more information, see Share a Proof in Workfront Proof.


  1. Create a new proof - the designer creates a new proof in Workfront Proof and shares it will internal reviewers. The designer makes the project manager the owner of the proof.

  2. Internal review - the Project Manager and other colleagues review the proof.

  3. Share proof - the Project Manager shares the proof with the client.

  4. New proof email - the client receives the New proof email with the Go to proof link. For more information, see New proof email.

  5. Review proof - the client reviews the proof, adds comments and makes a decision.

  6. Email alert - the Project Manager receives an email alert (depending on his settings on the proof). For more information, see Configure email notification settings in Workfront Proof.

  7. Change request - the Project Manager lets the designer know about the change requests. This can be done using the print comments function. For more information, see Print and Export Comments in Workfront Proof.

  8. New Version (if required) - the designer amends the file and uploads it to Workfront Proof as a new version. For more information, see .

You can repeat this process until the proof is approved.

Client Sees Only Their Own Version

This option illustrates a workflow where the proofing process is managed by the Project Manager who creates any new versions (as required) and shares the proof with the client. The designer does not need to be involved in the review process.)


  1. Create a new proof - The designer creates a new proof in Workfront Proof and shares it with internal reviewers. The designer makes the Project Manager the Owner of the proof, or alternatively gives him the role of Author on the proof (see Manage Proof Roles in Workfront Proof).

  2. Internal review - the Project Manager and other colleagues review the proof. For more information, see Reviewing Proofs in the Web Proofing Viewer and Reviewing Proofs in the Desktop Proofing Viewer.

  3. New version - the Project Manager creates a new version (or a copy) of the proof and shares it with the client. See Copying Proofs in Workfront Proof and Share a Proof in Workfront Proof.

  4. New proof email - the client receives the New proof email with a Go to proof link. For more information, see New proof email.

  5. Review proof - the client reviews the proof, adds comments and makes a decision.

  6. The client can see only the version of the proof that has been explicitly shared with them; they will not be able to see the internal version.

  7. Email alert - the Project Manager receives an email with a summary of the client’s review (depending on their settings on the proof).

  8. Change request - the Project Manager lets the designer know about the change requests. This can be done using the print comments function. For more information, see Print and Export Comments in Workfront Proof.

  9. New version (if required) - the designer amends the file and uploads it to Workfront Proof as a new version. For more information, see .

You can repeat this process until the proof is approved.
