Build a Budgeted Hour report

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner, or the Main Menu icon Main Menu lines in the upper-left corner, if available, then click Reports.

  2. Click New Report > More > Budgeted Hour.

    The default view is applied to the report.

  3. (Optional) To make the report easier to read, click the Bud. Hours column, then Switch to Text Mode, then click Edit Text Mode.

  4. Change the valuefield line to valueexpreesion and enter the rounding expression.

    This rounds the number of Budgeted Hours to a number of decimals that you specify.

    For information about how to round a number in Workfront, see the article Overview of calculated data expressions.

  5. Click Done.

  6. (Optional) Click Add Column to add additional columns.

  7. (Optional) To make the report easier to read, we recommend that you add a grouping to it. We suggest the following grouping:

    Click the Groupings tab, then do one or several of the following:

    • Click Add grouping and start typing “Project Name”, then select it when it appears in the list.
    • Click Add grouping and start typing “Job Role Name”, then select it when it appears in the list.
    • Click Add grouping and start typing “Allocation Date”, select it when it appears in the list, then select the timeframe you want to group by from the Group Dates by field.
  8. (Optional) Click Filters to add filters to the report.

  9. (Optional) Click Chart to add a chart to the report.

  10. Click Save + Close.

Review the Budgeted Hour report

The following information is available in the Budgeted Hour report by default:

ProjectThis is the name of the project associated with the Budgeted Hour.
Job RoleThis is the name of the job role associated with the Budgeted Hour.
UserThis is the name of the user associated with the Budgeted Hour.
Alloc. Date

This is the Allocation Date. It is the first day (a Sunday) of the week for which you budgeted the hours.


If a week spans for two months, this generates two rows in the report: one corresponding to the first day of the week (the Sunday of the week which is during the first month), and a second one corresponding with the first day of the second month (and which could be any day of the week.)

For example, if you budget 8 hours for a user for the week of June 30 (Sunday) - July 6 (Saturday), the two rows show an Allocation Date of June 30, and July 1.

Bud. HoursThese are the Budgeted Hours allocated to the User in the Resource Planner.
Pln. Bud. HoursThese are the Budgeted Hours allocated to the Job Role or the Project in the Resource Planner.
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