Project enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Share a document folder

Now you can share a document folder and its contents from the Documents area. Previously this was not possible—you had to share each document in a folder separately.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 16, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Limit the ability to add documents to a template you are sharing

Sometimes people add documents to a project template thinking that they're adding them to a project. Now you can help to prevent this—when you share a template with View access, you can disable the new advanced setting Add Documents. This disables your recipients' ability to add documents to the template.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: October 14, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic (Workfront Classic will be discontinued in March 2022, followed shortly by the end-of-life date for Workfront Classic in July 2022.)

Updated toolbar on dashboard list and reports in dashboards

The toolbar on four dashboard pages now has a modern look and feel that matches other Workfront lists such as projects, tasks, and issues. This intuitive toolbar now makes it easier to add, edit, share, copy, and delete dashboards.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 8, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Add and edit custom forms Summary panel for documents

You can now add and edit custom forms directly in the document Summary panel.

With this change, you'll also see a new look and feel in the document Summary. There is a new Overview section, which contains the image thumbnail as well as the document details. You can also check documents in and out in the document details section.

Previously, you had to go to the custom forms tab in the Document Details to make edits or add custom forms.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: November 18, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Filter by user list on agile boards shows users with most assignments first

Now the filter shows the users with the most assignments first so they are easier to locate without scrolling through the list.

Previously, the filter by user list on both Kanban and Scrum boards was displayed alphabetically.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: November 11, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release (Removed from the 22.1 release. No longer available in Preview.)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Change the default option for predecessors when copying or moving tasks

To minimize the number of manual steps when copying or moving tasks, we have updated the information that is copied or moved with the task by default. Now, all predecessors are copied or moved with the task by default, as the All Predecessors option is selected by default.

Prior to this enhancement, the All Predecessors option was deselected by default when copying or moving a task.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 2, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New experience when copying one or multiple tasks

To make your use of Workfront consistent with the new Adobe Workfront experience, we have redesigned the interface when copying a task. This is currently available when copying a task at the task level or copying a task or multiple tasks in a list.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: November 18, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New experience when moving one or multiple tasks from a list

To offer a consistent experience when performing the same task, we have now updated the interface for moving one or multiple tasks from a list to match the experience when moving the task at the task level. (We had updated the experience for moving a task at the task level in a previous Preview release.)

Available on these dates:

Preview release: November 4, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New experience when moving a task at the task level

To make your use of Workfront consistent with the new Workfront experience, we have redesigned the interface for moving a task. This is currently available when moving a task at the task level. In a following release, we will extend this redesign to moving a task from a list.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: October 21, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New experience when converting an issue to a project using a template at the issue level

To make your use of Workfront consistent with the new Workfront experience, we have redesigned the interface for converting an issue to a project when using a template when you convert it from the issue page.

You can now more easily access your list of favorites immediately after selecting to convert the issue.

The redesigned interface matches the experience when creating a project from a template which we have also updated recently.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 8, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release (This feature was temporarily removed from the Production environment on March 4, 2022. It was later released in a phased roll-out beginning April 28, 2022. The roll-out was completed on May 5, 2022. This is now available in Preview and Production for all customers.)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Convert issues to projects using a template from lists, reports, and dashboards

To increase the efficiency of your work and make it easier for you to convert issues in a fast-paced environment, we have added the ability to convert an issue to a project using a template from a list, report, or a dashboard.

Prior to this enhancement, this functionality existed only when you converted the issue from the issue page.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 8, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release (This feature was temporarily removed from the Production environment on March 4, 2022. It was later released in a phased roll-out beginning April 28, 2022. The roll-out was completed on May 5, 2022. This is now available in Preview and Production for all customers.)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Resource Management enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Improvements to the Settings panel and ability to color-code projects and their tasks in the Workload Balancer

To improve your experience when using the Workload Balancer, we have introduced the following enhancements:

  • Redesigned the Settings panel to include options that previously were located on the toolbar. This improves the use of the space in the toolbar.

  • Added the ability to customize the color theme by Project. When selecting to color-code by Project, each project and its work items display in the same color. The colors are unique to each project. Before this enhancement, you could only color-code by Project Status.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 2, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Assign work in bulk using the Workload Balancer

In continuing our effort to deprecate the Scheduling tools and replace them with the Workload Balancer, we have added the ability to manage assignments in bulk. You can now assign multiple work items at a time to multiple users, replace users from multiple work items with other users, and unassign users from multiple items at one time. You can perform all these with one action by using the new Bulk Assignment functionality in the Workload Balancer.

Prior to this enhancement, you could only assign one user to one work item either manually or by dragging and dropping.

The new Bulk Assignments also include new filtering capabilities by Project and Task Status, in addition to Name.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 2, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Override currency when managing job roles

To help you easily manage cost and billing rates across global organizations, we have implemented overriding the currency of a job role. Using this feature, you can now set cost and billing rates for job roles in the currency that matches the job role's location. This will override the system currency in all financial calculations for the job role.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 2, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic (Workfront Classic will be discontinued in March 2022, followed shortly by the end-of-life date for Workfront Classic in July 2022.)

Requests enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Interface improvement for users who don't have access to create requests

To improve users' experience when working with requests, we have introduced an improvement to the interface that indicates to the logged-in user that they do not have access to create requests. With this improvement, the New request button is dimmed for users without access to create issues. Hovering over the dimmed button displays a tooltip that explains that the Workfront administrator restricted the current user's access to create requests.

Prior to this enhancement, the New request button did not display in the Requests area for these users. Copying and submitting a request as new is also restricted.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 2, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Copy and submit requests

To optimize your process for submitting requests, we are introducing new functionality that allows you to copy an existing request and submit it as a new request. This is helpful when you submit similar requests frequently. In this case, you can reuse an existing request, make a few changes, then submit it as a new request.

With this change, users who can view requests that others submitted can also copy these requests and submit them as new. You can prevent this from happening by updating the following setting in the request queue project: People from the same company will inherit the same permissions for all requests.

You cannot copy and resubmit issues that were submitted to a request queue without a queue topic before this functionality was released.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: November 18, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Updated Summary panel experience in the Submitted section of the Requests area

To improve visibility and interaction with the Summary panel, we have added a label to the Open Summary icon in the Submitted section of the Requests area. The label is now dynamic and it updates depending on whether the panel is open or closed.

When opening the Summary panel without first selecting a request, a more user-friendly image now displays to clearly instruct the user to select an item before opening the panel.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: November 4, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Proofing enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Improved proofing capabilities for reviewers and requestors

To provide a more integrated experience between Workfront and Proof, we've made several improvements regarding proofing capabilities for Reviewers and Requestors:

  • You can grant Moderator or Author roles to any user in Workfront, regardless of whether they have a Proofing license, giving them additional rights, like applying actions or resolving comments.

  • You can add Reviewers and Requestors to proofs that require a login or that need to be electronically signed.

  • All users also benefit from improved connectivity between Workfront and Proof. Now, when deactivating a user or updating a user's email address, your updates are correctly reflected in proofing when changed in Workfront.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 2, 2021 (Available only for EMEA customers with integrated proofing; available for all remaining customers on January 17, 2022)

Production release: December 21, 2021 (Available only for EMEA customers with integrated proofing; available for all remaining customers February 3, 2022)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Electronic Signature Enhancements for proofs

We've made it easier for users to sign proofs electronically. Now, users can use their Workfront credentials to sign a decision on a proof.

To electronically sign a proof with SSO credentials, you must set SSO up in Workfront Proof.

Previously, users had to use Workfront Proof credentials, which are different from their Workfront credentials.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 2, 2021 (Available for both EMEA and U.S. customers)

Production release: TBD (Available for customers in EMEA on December 21, 2021; available for all remaining customers on February 3, 2022)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic (Workfront Classic will be discontinued in March 2022, followed shortly by the end-of-life date for Workfront Classic in July 2022.)

Desktop Viewer Upgrade

We've upgraded the Desktop Proofing Viewer to support up to Chrome version 91 for greater compatibility with interactive proofs.

Windows users must manually reinstall the desktop viewer to upgrade to the latest version. After that, future updates to the Desktop Proofing Viewer will be automatic.

Mac users will be upgraded to the latest version automatically.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: N/A

Production release: December 2, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic (Workfront Classic will be discontinued in March 2022, followed shortly by the end-of-life date for Workfront Classic in July 2022.)

Other enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

New toolbar for Users lists

A more modern and intuitive toolbar makes it easier to manage users in a Users list. The toolbar buttons let you quickly add people to Workfront, remind them to register, and manage their profiles. You can also export a Users list.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 8, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Default ascending order for Planned Completion Date and ability to group by Planned Start Date in the Home Work List

To make it easier and faster to find the items that require your attention, we have added two enhancements that allow you to see your earliest due items display at the top of your work list by default and to group your tasks and issues by their Planned Start Date.

Prior to these enhancements, you could group your items only by Planned Completion Date as well as by Commit date.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 2, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Add the My Updates area for all licensed users

As part of our efforts to create parity between Workfront Classic and the new Workfront experience, we have reintroduced the My Updates area for all users.

As a result of this update, Review users can find this area as their default landing page, unless they are assigned to a layout template.

A Workfront or Group administrator can add this area to all users' Main Menu and Top navigation by using a layout template.

When you open the My Updates area, you can now quickly find the following information:

  • Approvals waiting for your decision display in the first half of the My Updates page. You can approve, reject, suggest changes, grant access, or delegate your approvals to others.

  • Comments in which you have been included display in the lower half of the My Updates page, in the Mentions section.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 2, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Improvements to timesheets

To improve the experience of everyone who manages time in Workfront, we are introducing various updates to timesheets.

Some of these updates include:

  • When a user has a current timesheet, the Timesheets area now opens to that current timesheet saving time for searching and clicking into a current timesheet. When there are no current timesheets, the Timesheets area still displays the My Timesheets section, as it does today.

  • The row you hover over or you click into to enter time is highlighted to increase visibility.

  • The footer that contains the timesheet buttons is now sticky so that you always have access to save and cancel without scrolling to the bottom of the page. We also added a new Back to top button in this area to quickly return to the top of the page.

  • A new warning notification now alerts you of unsaved changes to prevent you from losing information when navigating away from the timesheet.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: December 2, 2021

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic (Workfront Classic will be discontinued in March 2022, followed shortly by the end-of-life date for Workfront Classic in July 2022.)

Updated Help menu

Now when you click the Help link in the top navigation bar, an updated, more streamlined menu appears. The new menu provides the same information, but with fewer levels of navigation, requiring fewer clicks to see relevant content.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: N/A

Production release: With the 22.1 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Mobile enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Enhancements to proof functionality in mobile app

In the Adobe Workfront mobile app, you can now:

  • Share proofs with internal and external recipients

  • View proof comments

  • Download proofs

Available on these dates:

Preview release: N/A

Production release: Early February 2022

Available in these environments:

iOS mobile app

Android mobile app

Workfront Fusion enhancements

New features in Workfront Fusion are available in Production at a cadence outside of the 22.1 release schedule. For more information about the latest features, see Adobe Workfront Fusion release activity.

Workfront Scenario Planner enhancements

There are no Scenario Planner updates at this point in the release. This area will be updated when updates are available.

Workfront Proof enhancements

New features in Workfront Proof are now available. For more information, see Workfront Proof release activity: Week of November 29, 2021.

Workfront Goals enhancements

There are no Workfront Goals updates at this point in the release. This area will be updated when updates are available.

API version 14

For API version 14, we’ve modified some resources and endpoints. Some of the changes support new functionality, and others make it easier for you to use the information available through the API.

For information on what’s new and updated, see What’s new in API version 14.

For information on API versions, see API versioning and support schedule.

Workfront Maintenance Updates

For information about the maintenance updates made during the 22.1 release, see Workfront Maintenance Updates.

22.1 Release Webinar

The Workfront 22.1 Release Webinar was presented on January 12, 2022. You can view the webinar recording on the Events page on Workfront One.

Training updates

Explore the latest updates made to learning programs, learning paths, videos, and guides for each Adobe Workfront product release. For more information, see the Training release updates page.

Functionality no longer supported

Internet Explorer 11

With the removal of support for Internet Explorer, Workfront now officially supports Microsoft Edge.

For more information about supported browsers, see Adobe Workfront browser requirements.

Previous pageLook-and-feel updates during the 22.2 release timeframe
Next page22.1 Administrator enhancements


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